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think of the impossible....
Grace eyes had grown to its normal state as the world around her was dieing she looked up to Kain who waited for her hand and she looked down.

"life is precious but how can you denie it to a god?" she asked almost in tears

Kaine smiled his evil grin as he waited and the said after a long while " your right i am god, and i dont care what you are thinking grace! you are mortal and you do as i say! i have created you now its time for you to give me what is mine..." he said.

Graces eyes filled with tears as she hid it in her hands and she fell to her knee's and began to cry on the floor.

Kains eyes stayed at its scowling sneer since her Refusal, he put his hand down and the scowl faded "Grace...." he said but after that he shook his hea d"she even grows on me! i am not allowing it!" he thought as he heard voices.

Lance and Aubrey were running up and paused looking at the crying grace and angry Kain... they knew what was going to happen and they looked at her and then to their father angrily.

"i thought we spoke of this! you said that we needed her no longer! she is family to us yet you want to kill her ?" Aubrey said a new angry look on his face.

Grace looked at them she dried her tears, "no..." she said "if i am needed to save my world and my friends then i will do what i am asked but i swear on this world if that is not your intention my soul will be gone and with it my heart and i will be no use any longer i will disapear..." she said.

Lance fell concerned "but Grace you will disapear!" he said surprised .

Grace shook her head and took kains hand and she burst into light and was gone as a crystal liek the one she wore on her neck.

Kain smiled and took it and put it on his neck " you are my key grace and now we will find the answers" he said.