Hahaha. Ameh is better. So yes, I was feeling dreadfully ill all last week but I feel so much better now. : D Even after pulling an all nighter *just* to do the vast amount of homework I had Friday. x_x But yes anyways onto my weekend. : B Saturday was rudely awoken at some God-forsaken time early afternoon by my parents threatening divorce and the such. I was so annoyed since they knew I had worked all night that I had no sympathy. But still managed to get a lift to Chris's. We went to his Grandads party and after my chest decieded to have a total fit and keep pissing me about I was in total bliss while I listened to evryones convosations and stole kisses from Chris. We had fireworks which were bright - that's all I need to say. o_o We got back and to begin with Chris almost totally ignored me.. that always upsets me and I think my parents was starting to dig in from the tiredness. Well Chris realised I was really upset and we ended up both kinda upset but happy. I guess, although I treasure the way our relationship works.. I still wish he'd treat me like I'm someone special now and then.. : / I was surprised this morning when he randomly grabbed my hand and told me how pretty I was the night before. he hasn't called me pretty in ages. Of course I denied it but a part of me was glowing. o.o I felt like a glow-worm. =p
I was walking home today and got freaked a little. It was dark and quiet - as would be on a Sunday. But what got me was I was the only person walking and one street I walk past over half the lights were off.. I had such Silent Hill vibes for a while. I mean it was really quiet and still and peaceful and although I was cold and wanted to get home to the warm I was in a state of awe. There was an intense feeling of lonliness but it was a beautiful form of lonliness around. I actually found myself smiling most the walk home, relishing in the small amount of beauty I had found in the world. : B
I guess that's all I can be bothered to write today. BUT! Before I go I shall show a picture from Labyrinth cos I really want to watch it at the moment. o_o WORM! : D

- warning! Ameh has decided that some point this week she will type on monster rant to make her feel better -
HoverCrab · Sun Oct 29, 2006 @ 09:56pm · 2 Comments |