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paul_sticks's Journal
Thoughts, musings and opinions. Otherwise the ramblings of a gothic lawyer to post things I may not wish to share on Live Journal.
tired tonight (well this morning). During the course of the weekend about 600 flyers for the new night have gone out, not too bad over a series of two clubs, one record shop and two pubs.

The website is now up, albeit only a home page so far (which does look pretty impressive). Mpas, directions and further information will follow.

In other news, I'm still bored. Hopefully this is set for change: I can feel a change in the air, a shift or something 'different'. It is disconcerting because I cannot quite put my finger one what it is but "there is a disturbance in the force". Let's hope it's something positive in my life for a change, I'm pissed off with being trod on once to many times, the next time I bite so hard someone is losing an ankle!