went to the ren fair with my biological dad. I hadn't talked to him in like 3 years and the last time i talked to him was on messenger briefly about asking if he was ok from his heart surgery. we became estranged cus we have different religion and political beliefs.
when i recieved the friend request on my new fb page (which actualluy isnt new its like 10 years old) i made cus i wanted to separate from that side of family. i was hesitant to add but i do want him in my life bus i just wish i didnt fee llike a disappointment to him.
i accepted the friend request and he sent a message about taking me and friends to ren fair covering there tickets and lunch and dinner AND driving us down there covering gas for friends too!!
so i invited Wayfaring Storyteller, medic_streak,craft foxworth(of course hes my partner in crime) and amber a new friend.
which was another headache bringing my new friend amber shes sweet but i was worried about her bad hip AND her sisster wanted to meet us to make sure we arent weirdos.lucklyu she has a walker that has a chair and medic_streak and her hung out while me and dad and craft were in a group on occasion we'ld see wayfaring storyteller around in the crowd.
we got to see barly balanced a acrobatics team walked passed the new dead bob show cus the orignal guy passed away and saw afar a whip show took pics of telephone the furry and another furry i didnt know AND fire fly the dragon i wish i knew where the mermaids were wayfaring storyteller said he went to them but he was to short to see anything.
had a gyro and lemonade choclet freezy at the ren fair and bought 2 tails i wanted some ears but none spoke to me or matched the tails also bout a tera that looks simple no jewels cus i diodnt want it to be to fancy some black and red yarn cyber locks i wish i got two for accessoerys
there were so many great dressed people i also took pics of poeple and a samurai dude
it was so fun just vibing with my dad though it was tough finding people again i dont know how people find eachother with out cell phones lol wayward story teller left the fair thinking we left and they wouldnt let him back in for a bit till he said he got seperatied from party and let him back in while i was trying toi go to gate to explain to them hes with us i saw a bird man on a ball it was cool but i didnt take photo cus was worried about wayfairing
we left before it closed at like 4:30 and it was still traffic going home we walked almost 6000 steps and i felt like it was a light walk but i did all the shopping i wanted and shows are kinda scatteried at diffrent times but ive persoanllyu seen all the shows befofre that are worth seeing as a regualr far goer though i hadnt been since the wedding
we got popyes chicken for dinenr for everyone and filibertos fish tacos for me the chicken took 20 min and sence amber and medic_streak were in diffrent car they went to ambers to wait for us cus medic spent night left his clothes at my place
we finiched the day watching an episode of kobra kai to show dad first episode though we wamnted to show vinland sagsa but interrnet was down
it was a great day AND exhausting
redfoxgreeneyes13 · Mon Mar 03, 2025 @ 12:02am · 0 Comments |