To all my friends of Gaia. Those whom I have met here, and those whom know me in real life.
The time has come for me to make a great decision. Since I have joined Gaia I have met a great many of people. I have laughed, and I have had arguments, and I have had some of the best times I can remember right here on this humble sight. But along with the good has come the bad, and it is because of the bad that I have come to a very difficult decision.
I am taking a prolonged absense from Gaia. The reasoning for this absense is due to a fued that has arisen with me at the center, and the only sensable way for it to start resolving itself is for me to remove myself from the situation. I do not know how long this absense will be. I am to be gone for how ever long it takes for the dispute to resolve itself and for everything to be in order.
I am sorry to those whom I have offended at any time during my time online here on Gaia. I am sorry for any of those whom I may have hurt, or may have left to suffer. I hope that you accept my humble apologies.
For everyone else, I am glad that I have met you, and it has been an honor to be your friend. I hope that I may still remain that way when I return from my absense, whenever that time may be. You have all become a part of me in some way, and I hope that I have at least become a part of you as well. If I have not, then I am sorry that I have not been a better friend.
And so now, I bid you all farewell. My avi is to be stripped, all my possessions given to a very close friend, and all of my gold will be given up as well.
Thank you all for being my friends. You will all be missed and I hope to see you again upon my return.
Farewell, and regards,
Demon Overlord Vreeshim