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View User's Journal

I chose to leave this journal public to show how every one's life is different, but it's the journey that makes the wolf; not the destination. Feel free to comment or pm me.
Losing steam
In the past few weeks, I have definintely lost a lot of steam when it comes to school. I just realized I missed a deadline for one class that included an exam. Granted, it's for a class I no longer need (I switched to Advertising and Graphic Design), but I still don't want to destroy my cumulative GPA in the first semester.

Another thing I've been feeling, is the uselessness of righteousness. Throughout my young adult life so far, I have repeatedly questioned my own moral compass, but not in a bad way. Sometimes, I think I'm too good. I'm always looking for the "right" way to go about things, while those around me that cut corners end up with the virtually the same or better results and are praised for it. I'm tired of wasting my time and energy reaching for the stars while those who barely do the minimum get all the credit. I know I shouldn't follow others' bad examples, but why try so hard when it's not always necessary?