I'm currently sitting on my cousin's bed in Plaistow, in London. Well.. not really London, greater London xD
But... yeah
Since I was here last, they've built this giant cucumber thing, and it looks so funny xDDD
*finds a picture*

And my cousin is refusing to take me to Borders. He's like.. 'noo. You should be jet-lagged' but I'm NOT
But.. anyway... we got off the plane 2 hours ago.
And, like... I beat the cool caveman game. There was 26 levels...
I had a lot of time xD
And... yeah. Kylie told me to buy stripy socks just before I had to go catch my plane, and I have NO IDEA what she meant &&
So.. I'm just gonna buy her stripy socks xDDD;
Anyway.. yeah. Will type more later-ish
I'm going back to trying to persuade my cousin to take me to Borders xD
WHOOOOOOO!!!!! I got... the INTERNET!!! heart
I've waited for like... a week.
Anyway... life's been really cool. Well.. except the whole.. un-internet thing, but that's all ok.
Ok... thing number 1...
That's so megaly awesomely cool. Thanks for telling me Cat whee
Thing number 2...
We couldn't find Stalking Darkness ANYWHERE
And, like.. because we're moving around the country a lot, so we can't get a store to order it in for us, I persuaded Dad to get it off Amazon, and sending it to my Grandfather's house, where we're gonna be on Tuesday xD
So... it'll hopefully be there by then &&;
So... yeah. YAYYYY!!!! heart
Thing number 3...
OH EM GEE! You're getting a new horse, Cat! That's so insanely cool! Do you know what kind yet? &&; ((*pretends to be all knowlegable in the ways of horses*))
Thing number 4...
Well.. it probably doesn't, but I felt that they left it hanging. That was probably because I wasn't paying very much attention to it. They most likely worked out the relationship in the bits that I wasn't watching xD
((I watched the end of Prime today, becuase I started watching it at Saran's house but had to go before we finished it &&
I also watched Shall we Dance, which was a pretty crappy movie, but the dancing was spectacular. J Lo was so good at the dancing. Her acting was kinda bad.. but she was so insanely awesome at the dancing.
It was also a whoooole lot like Take the Lead. Well.. not the plotline, but the whole... people learn how to dance, and fall in love at the same time, and then enter a ballroom dancing competition and it finishes before you see who wins xDD))
Thing number 5...
WHAT HAS GAIA DONE!?!?!?!?!?!!
*cries for the layout-that-I-complained-about-at-the-beginning-but-it-grew-on-me*
It was SO much better than this one! &&
Ok... now you get a day by day analysis of my trip. Hope you don't mind xDD;
Soo... we got to England on Wednesday morning, at like.. 5am. Then.. my cousin, Matt, picked us up from the airport and drove us back to my aunt's house. And.. I swear... that was the emptiest I've EVER seen the streets of London. Like.. we decided to do a tourey thingo and drive past, like... big ben and when we stopped at lights there was only ever about four cars in front of us. It was amazing!
We got to my aunt's house ((which is, in fact, really close to where they're holding the Olympics ((Strattford, which I can't spell && wink ) and so they're building it all up and extending all the public transport to there, and trying to make it really nice, because before they knew about the Olympics, Stratford was a really bad place to live. Like... 'I can't go out at night because I'll get mugged' kind of bad.))
... what was I talking about again?
Oh, yes...
We got to my aunt's house and my parents collapsed. Matt and Dad cooked breakfast, and we had showers and junk, but then they just went to sleep.
Me an' James chilled around with laptops, taught Matt how to play spit, and played poker with his poker chips.
I suck at poker... I can't keep a straight face xDDD;
Then... Matt took me to borders, and they had Luck in the Shadows, but not Stalking Darkness. We did buy Eragorn for James, though...
And.. the Tescos ((supermarket... English safeways *nodnod*)) next door to the Borders stinks of wee, because they're rennovating at the moment, so they have port a potties outside, for the customers. And they stink of wee &&
So we ran back to the car, so we wouldn't have to be outside for too long xD
And theeeen... we got on the Eurostar ((train that goes from England to France)) to Paris ^^
Paris was really cool, and now I wanna learn French again xD
We went to Versailles, and the Louvre. Aand... that random place. The place on the hill, that has 1,000 steps leading up to it...
Don't remember what it's called. Possibly Sacre Coeur? &&;
Anyway... yeah. We went there, and me and James went up the stairs, but Mum and Dad took the lazy way out and got a lifty-thingo...
*finds a picture*

Uhm.. yeah.
The Louvre was cool. We went on this.. .Da Vinci Code tour, which cost Ten Euros (($17.13 >< )) per person and wasn't very good xD
But it was kinda interesting. Like..
There was a picture of John the Baptist, by Leonado da Vinci, and he's actually pointing to a cross, but it's really dark and hidden..

And.. uhm.. yeah.
I have to go, because we're off to see more family friends.
So.. yeah.
I'll be back later.
BYEEEEE! heart
Lessee... where was I? >>;
Oh! Yes! We went to the Louvre and walked around for aaages ((it's really really really big xD)) but then Mum got tired, so we went to this cool Japanese place for lunch ^^
And theeeen, I went shopping in Lafayette, which is like, the biggest department store in the world.
It wasn't all that cool though, and megaly overpriced, so I didn't buy much.
We did buy Go though. And the instructions are in French, so none of us have any idea how to play xDDD;
theeeen.. we got the Eurostar back to England, on Saturday morning. We then tubed to Stratford and got a rental car, and drove half way across London ((in the middle of rush-hour traffic >< wink ) to have lunch with a malaysian family ((with six children xD))
That was really fun, and Dad kept trying to make them come to Australia, and they kept politely declining. It was really funny to listen to xDDD
Theeen.. we went to have dinner with Matt and Alison ((my aunt)), and then went to see Les Mis ((yes, Cat, this was the trip when we went to see it. It was sooooo cool! And.. I'm sorry! ))
Dinner was cool... I told them the story of the purple ping pong balls, and it took all dinner AND the walk to the theatre to tell it, because I elongated it a bit xDD
And then... LES MIS!! heart
It was soooo cool. 'ponine was amazing, and she had this awesome poofy hat cool
Javert was kinda crap, though. He wasn't like... strong enough. And Gavroche was sooo cute! whee heart
But they mutated his song! In Little People, he didn't sing ANY of the 'A worm can roll a stone' stuff.
It was all the... 'so never kick a dog, and something something something, because you'd better run for cover when the pup grows up'
and it was all at the wrong time and blah ><
But... yeah.. it was good ^^
Then we drove to Aldbury, even though we're not actually staying in Aldbury. We're staying in Ivinghoe, which is the next town across, pretty much. We got there at like.. midnight. That sucked.
Theen.. it's all really boring. Seeing friends and junk..
We went bowling with old school friends, and I found out that Emma likes Panic cool
But it was really tense, because no one knew what to talk about...
And... we've been watching the football/soccer.
Robin ((my brother)) won't let me call it soccer, so I have to call it football over here xD
Not that I like aussie rules football anyway... it's like rugby only they wear really tight shorts and have two times as much space to get the goals into ><
Currenly, we only need to draw against Croasia ((which I can't spell >>; )) to qualify for round two. But we're not sure when that match is...
And England's already in. I thought it was really mean the way they were already in, but they wanted to keep Sweden out anyway. ><
You get lots of publicity on England now.. and pretty much everyone you meet in the streets will tell you what the score was in some random match or another. It's kinda cool.
Like, today.. we were coming out of the subway and there was a pub really close to the exit with a big TV showing Brazil v Japan, and EVERYONE stopped walking and watched it. It was really cool xDDDD
Last time I checked it was nill all, but I'm not sure what happened at the end, because we were on a train *sobs*
Anyway.. today was mega cool cool
We went into London, and did a Da Vinci code walking tour ((because Mum's obsessed >< )), which was actually really interesting.
Like, did you know that the Australian thingo that's like the embassy but isn't the embassy was Gringots bank in the Harry Potter movies? How insanely cool is that!? xDD
And.. uhm... then we went to Westminister Abbey, which was really ornate.
I think it's really disrespectful, though... to have flocks of tourists coming in each day. I mean... it's a berial place.... shouldn't it be a little more sacred than that? ><
And... we went to this place called.. uhm... Trocadero, which is like.. the BIGGEST arcade EVER! It had like... 5 different sets of dancemats!
And so I danced... for like ages...
They had DDR, though, and so I danced to Butterfly, but it was really easy on standard, and I didn't have enough money to do it again on difficult ><
And... yeah. So, I'm here, and I'm really cold, because the only way you can get internet from where I'm staying is to go outside and leech off the wireless of the people that own this place's house ((with permission, of course *nodnod*))
So I'm coooooold T___T
And.. yeah. Going now
BYEEE! heart
Community Member
...I bet you flew FIRST class.
*eats tuna* <---- That was Steph K.
You're probably asleep right now.. and you'll probably never read this.. but anyway.. um.. yeah.
I'm going to get told off for playing "But it's better if you do" full blast in approximately 2.7 minutes. [I’m in the computer room at school xP]
WHOA THAT ******** UP. Let me try again.
I GOT STRAIGHT A'S!!! Almost. Let's say I didn't get ANY A's in PE. *coughEcough* But other than that they were ALL A'S!! So be prepared for HAPPY CAT until the next stress comes along to ******** everything up.
OH AND YOU GOT HOUSE COLOURS!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you. ^_^
I just thought I'd tell you in case you didn't know already. I don't know how it works xP
Well anyway it's finally holidays for the rest of us [Yay!] and I'M GETTING A NEW HORSE =D
I'll shut up now because this comment is really long and probably annoying AND filled with things you don't care about because they have nothing to do with you and everything to do with me, except for the house colours bit.
~~~~~ EDIT: Wow, I didn't use the word 'like' ANYWHERE in that comment!!! You used it in your entry THREE times. I'm disappointed in you, Dragon. It's just not good enough. xD
~~~~~ EDIT #2: Yes Steph, we know you think everything looks like a 'winke'... because you're so familiar with them and therefore know exactly what they look like. xD