 I feel like Grumpy Bear from Care Bears. I've been off all week. *sulks* Ranting ahead. domokun Feel free to skip to the slightly more interesting parts.
Tuesday was my lab exam for Zoology. I studied for it and made notes and everything. I even did the "sleep-on-your-textbook-and-learn-by-osmosis" technique. xd It's fair to say that my professor didn't warn us enough about the exam. crying He said it would consist of slides in the auditorium, and then he'd indicate a specific organ, and we would have to name that organ and its function. Fair enough; we've been doing that all term. What he neglected to mention was that we would have to know the class and phylum of the organisms. That wasn't too hard, but I think I spelled a word wrong because I didn't particularly study the classes or phylums. Platyhelminthes, for example. sweatdrop And then during the exam, he indicated the structures by physically pointing to them. That, of course made us go "Could you point to that again?" We were only allowed one minute per slide and he didn't repeat them at the end of the exam when we had 15 minutes left over. Sometimes I didn't even know what the animal was, let alone the organ. gonk
Wednesday I was late to class because my watch stopped. Because I'm crazy, I have nightmares about being late for class. I haven't missed a single lecture this whole term. I did skip a tutorial once, but...meh, they're tutorials and I had lots of stuff due that day. The point is, I never miss class and I'm never late. Stupid watch. I can hear it ticking, but the hands aren't moving. scream So of course I should have realized the time earlier with my internal clock, but I was quite distracted that day. sweatdrop My nightmare came true. =_=;
Wednesday night I had to work on my lab report that I only had a week to do, as opposed to the usual two weeks. confused Then I went and spilled a glass of water on my data sheet. Fortunately the ink didn't run, but I had to let it air out for a bit. Then I forgot to add a few points to the introduction and conclusion, so I had to print the whole thing (8 pages) again. sweatdrop
Today I went to an extra class, but since it's not my regular class, I didn't print out the notes the professor was teaching from. Moreover, I was sitting near the back and couldn't see the smaller-than-normal writing very well. So I had very little idea of what was going on during the whole class.
So I've been feeling grumpy all this week. And I'm not even going to go into the details of my items that are breaking, my worry over people being ill, how I haven't been reading my book, and how final exams are fast approaching. crying
Gaian News
Happy Birthday! MeThinX and Jentin both had their birthdays on November 29th. Happy birthday to you both! Hope you liked your presents. ^^; Now...who's birthday is next? I know I'm going to forget. Please remind me if your birthday is upcoming. wink
Fishing I spend entirely too much time fishing. I mean, not as much as Lazarous who considers 100 fish a day to be a low count, but... xd And I can't fish very well either. I keep on losing fish and don't have many rare ones. I've taken to selling off a bit of the surplus I have of Guppies/Seedkins/Peebos. I hope Fish Exchange gets here soon. I've seen a few pictures of the sneak-preview of the fishing hats. Nifty. whee
Romani Glasses for Girls! Romani Glasses are now unisex. That's great news. I know several people who have been dying for them. *HUGZ VO* domokun They can be found in the Gambino Hat Rack if you are interested in buying them. My next guess for unisex items? Collars, because those are easy to draw. xd
Ebil Munkeys My current outfit is the exact clone of Gaseous Snake's outfit. xd I've never been able to stalk a person this effectively before. ninja Though, I kept on forgetting an item while I was dressing up like him. I forgot the Black Gloves, and then the Demon Horns. Anyway, Gassy took a picture, and this is how it turned out.
 xd heart Apologies for the stabbing. Girls don't have the semi-upright position for the Demonic Pitchfork. sweatdrop
Rawr. I'm off to read my book and get some more sleep I've obviously been lacking this week. domokun
Shatterglass · Fri Dec 03, 2004 @ 05:34am · 7 Comments |