Alexis walked through a narrow aisle of lockers, booted footsteps padding loudly in the quiet space. 221...222....223......
She stopped in front of the blue painted locker 233, a small plaque with the name 'A. Smith' printed on the front. She opened the combination lock, and the door of the locker swung open. Inside the locker space was rather...obsessively organized and tidy. On the top shelf were a few cheap novels and magazines and an unopened bottle of water that she had no idea how long it had been there. Her clothes were folded neatly in the bottom, alongside a toothbrush, floss and various other miscellaneous personal affects .
There wasn't much of note and there was only so much room in her rucksack, but she grabbed her spare set of clothes and a few old paperbacks anyway. A glint of metal caught her eye, something was tucked away at the back of the middle shelf. The engraved zippo she’d swiped off her brother when she was 16 and had kept ever since… Swallowing the sudden lump that formed in her throat, Alexis shoved it in a pocket of her jacket and slammed the locker closed. She was deciding whether she should search the room for any other useful items, when the alarming sounds of gunshots reverberated from somewhere else within building ....
The walker's face exploded in a wet slough of dessicated flesh and shattered bone as a .45 caliber round pierced it's temple. Accounting for the revolver''s kick of a recoil, Carter realigned his sights and took down the next creature blocking their passage...Wisps of smoke coiled from the barrel as he eyed the sickly splatter of grey mater and skull fragments that now painted the office's entryway...
CM_Valyn · Mon Apr 22, 2013 @ 05:15am · 0 Comments |