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One Hawt Chicken
I wear the cheese, it does not wear me
Gaia - ninity
Hey there fellow gaian robots, havn't been on here in..six months? confused I definitly need to brush up a bit on my gaia - ness.

Ya I know my outfit kinda bites at this point XP but to tell you the turth I like it more than the overcrowded black winged manic depression gaians that seem to be so popular.

About me? I'm a girl (nooo really?) I have a family including a kitty cat who I loove <3, I love friends, school, and shopping. and I love life mrgreen

I have three boyfriends and I'm completely availible... question (that was a joke. I have way more than that)

love you all turkeys twisted


(this journal entry is timeless btw, don't bother looking at the date, if I want to post something (which is like never) than I update this post)

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  • 04/09/06 to 04/02/06 (1)