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run, or i'll devour your hips.
third day of nothing.
Last night, after I logged off, I sliced my foot open on a shower tile.
******** hurts like hell, you don't even know.

Went to school. Got a lot of kids to eat these numbing gels things I've got...they make you a little loopy. It's not like high. I call it 'oralphoria.' It's pretty great. But, it numbs your throat too easily, and you cant swallow, and it makes breathing a tad bit difficult. Not to mention all the drool. I've got loads of 'em. I feel like a drug dealer.

School was okay, though, besides walking around with a stupid foot. My Drama piece is due Thursday, and I got stuck with some stupid Freshman who refuses to learn her lines. I swear, if she makes me get a bad grade, I'm going to kick her a**. Drama is one of the few classes I actually give a s**t about, and--- Yeah. You get the point.

Now I'm eating pot pie. I'm so entertaining.
