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run, or i'll devour your hips.
the second day of nothing.
Today I didn't really do much. Just went to school.
It was 'hat day' or some s**t for Red Ribbon Week. My friend wore a giant a** sombrero, and I was extremely jealous.
But, to kick it off, an officer came, and tried to talk about like, safe driving and s**t.
But then he had a projector and a slide. And we had to watch a movie.

Regardless, they showed us metal and massacre together. Twisted machines, wrenched up seats, blood. Oh ********, there was so much blood. Decapitation, bodies twisted out of proportion, brains being strewn through mouths. ********, there was a baby who was snapped clearly in half.

The blood and the guts didn't bother me. Not at all. In fact, I'm so demented I thought it was pretty cool. But the families. I didn't like, get emotional or cry or anything, but still. Just uhhh, sharing my day with like the one person who actually reads this.

Some guy told me I was pretty too. Was nice. But then I realized he's in the Special Education group. Then I didn't feel so special. Bought candy for my friends, like the pushover I am. Annnnd now I'm eating an apple, and thinking of someone really ******** special.
Probably the person who made me like butterscotch really well.
