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think of the impossible....
i will be there... (an earlier rpg i had)
grace touched his cheek "riku i....." she smiled and embraced him "love you" she said he tightened his gripp on her "i love you grace namzio" he said "hurry grace we have not a lot of time" queen asheiba said. "come with me" riku suddenly said pulling grace away to face her, his grip was tight on her shoulders as if he was not going to let her go "i..." bgrace said. she looked at him, the rain that fell sprinkled across her face as if it did not dare touch her face he eyes glimmered unusually as so did her hair "i can't... my world needs me... to save it from its own distruction" she said "then i will come with you!" he cried embracing her again "your world needs you riku...i will always be with you" she said in an almost whimper. she released the hug and still had his hand slowly pulling apart then ran to her beloved queen. "by riku remember me and i will always be with you!" she cried as a voice of light engulfed them and then they disapeared. today riku has never loved another and dreams to find her again.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Mar 02, 2006 @ 05:24am
That was touching.

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