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What I think about....
The Legend of Zelda:Link the Man Slut
Okay here's the thing. If you type in Link on Photobucket you will see TONS of pics of him paired with various people, no offense fan artist but your makin' him look like a man slut!!!!! I mean seriously what hapened to the classic Link/Zelda thing now it's....Link/Malon, Link/Sheik (yes I know that Zelda), Link/Wolf Link (That's really weird), and plenty more! And the weirdest one is Link/Dark Link.....Okay when I see pictures of them gettin' all up on each other I can't help but think.....He's gettin' freaky with himself?! Wtf?! Yes I know that you geeky fangirls might post hate comments about this entry cuz' you think the Link/Dark Link thing is sexy. Guess who doesn't care? ME! Just think about it if you knew a person who made out with the mirror cuz' they loved themself, how would you react?
Please remember that this journal is just for fun so don't go be an a*****e and tell me that I'm being soooo dramatic over a video game.....It's just for fun.
~Goodbye~ heart

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