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Viviana Satine Raine

Name: Viviana Satine Raine

Aliases/ Nicknames:
The Animal Queen

A little over 1000
Nowadays though, she looks between 18 and 21.

Age at Death:
She just hit 15.

Physical Description:
Vivi is the spitting image of her older sister Raine. She didnt get the height gene though. Her skin is a nice shade of brown, and her eyes are the same bright green color.
She's as tall as the sou-taicho, barely reaching 5'4.
Instead of wearing the shinigami garb, she wears tank tops and sweats most of the time, with her zanpakutou strapped on her back. If she can get away with it, she'll walk around barefoot. Most of the time, she can be seen with a scowl on her face and her hand on her hip, holding her sweats up usually. She isnt flat chested, but she isnt full figured like her sister. Most things look like the ref pic.

Doubutsukai (animal kingdom)

Sealed State:


Her spirit is usually seen in ancient robes covering almost all of his body. His eyes are coal black, and very slanted, giving him an almost Asian look. He insists with a young person's stubbornness that he's part of an ancient race long gone, but Vivi still teases him.

Instead of being one whole spirit, Doubutsukai is split into many different entities, all taking for of the animals that surround the old man. They have various personalities, and various weaknesses and strengths. Some like Vivi, some dont.

Now, the dragon's are actually the animals. Each dragon is made of a combination of the animals. One fire dragon = 2 black mambas a cow and a boar, and so on. (that's not an exact thing but that's how it works more or less)

Inner World:
Viviana's spirit world is a vast forest, complete with ancient oaks and whatnot. Any time she goes, she always complains about stuff being too overgrown, but she secretly loves it. A warm breeze always blows threw the area, bringing with it the smell of freshness.

She usually meets the spirit under the tallest and oldest oak tree, with various animals sitting in branches and or roots. She usually calls him "Old Man Doubt.", much to his annoyance.

Zenhan: Henkei
(first half: metamorphosis)
Instead of becoming a mondo uber huge killing machine of destruction like she wants, Vivi's zanpakutou disappears completely, becoming rings that take the shape of animals. In shikai, she only has five rings on her right hand. Cheetah, Boomslang (its a venoumous snake guys), Boar, Rock Eagle-Owl, and Turtle are the animals she has in shikai.

--Ring Locations--
Cheetah: On her pointer finger
Boomslang: On her pinky
Boar: on her ring finger
Rock Eagle-Owl: On her Middle finger
Turtle: On her thumb

Shikai-Specific Abilities

While in shikai, she can summon up to 10 animals, two of each race.

Speed attacks. They lack strength, but they are hella fast. They usually attack head on, or will create tornado like things around their opponent. Very hard to dodge, almost impossible to block.
Elements: wind Fire Rain (rain is really just fancy water..)

Boomslang: (look up the snake if you need help figuring out what they are)
Better version of cheetah really. Speedy attacks coupled with fierce power. If bitten by one of the boomslangs, the opponent WILL feel the side effects. While usually Vivi lets the venom react slowly, by using certain amounts of reiatsu, she can make it speed up. (takes between 5-10 posts for side effects to occur normally, 2-8 for it with reiatsu)
Elements: wind Fire Rain Earth

Pure strength attacks. Easily blocked, but the weight and impact will send the person back a few feet, or completely knock them over.
Elements: Earth only

Rock Eagle-Owl:
The owl is both fast and powerful. Instead of landing one or two blows, they will continue to attack and try to tear the opponent apart. This barrage of attacks will continue until Vivi calls them off.
Elements: wind, fire, water,

Used mainly for defense. The turtle can either be the size of a building or small mountain, protecting multiple people, or take up the space of Vivi's entire arm. When in the air, it cant be seen unless something marks it, be it blood or something else.
Elements: Earth, wind

Koohan: Henkei
(second half: metamorphosis)

While in bankai, she can summon up to 20 animals, four of each race.

Nothing much changes, other than her left hand. Now, she wears another set of rings, just like in shikai.

The animals on this hand are different. Also, when using any animal, she can make it the size she wants, instead of keeping dimensions. (size can be as small as an ant to as big as a small mountain, it all depends on her imagination and reiatsu level). Also, the animals look more..realistic, instead of being just a blob of an element. Colors, markings, and sounds can now be seen/heard in bankai. They look more like this ____ Also, in a bankai specific thing, paw prints/tracks/whatevers leave an indent in the ground, with their element. So if a fire tiger stands in front of Vivi, when it moves, for prints of flame will be left.

Tiger: ring finger
Wolf: pointer finger
Black Mamba: pinky
Peregrine Falcon: middle finger
Chianina: thumb

Bankai-Specific Abilities

Fierce strength is used when the tigers come out. Like the boar, they can easily knock someone over with their weight and strength. If bitten, first and foremost, the opponent will be in serious pain.

Elements: fire earth

The wolves incorporate strength, speed, and teamwork into their attacks. Their teeth and claws will rip an opponent to shreds. They are mainly used to subdue an opponent so that another animal can attack.

Elements: wind rain

Black Mamba:

The Black Mamba is the most deadly of bankai animals. Up close, it will strike up to 12 times, each strike being blindingly fast. If an attack lands, not only will it be extremely painful, but also extremely deadly.

Elements: rain earth wind fire

Peregrine Falcon:
This is the fastest of the fast. Flying into the sky and diving back down, it moves at speeds of up to 300 MPH, making it extremely hard to dodge/counterattack/block. Will attack with talons and beak, leaving gashes.

Elements: wind fire rain

Essentially..it's a giant cow.
Because its a male, it has horns, and is bigger and stronger than a >insert name of female cow here<. It does mainly head on attacks that are very powerful, but rather slow. Can easily shatter boulders and the likes with its horns/head on attacks.

Elements: earth

Shikai/Bankai Attacks:

All attacks are activated by sounds, or a word. Each word represents an animal, as does each sound. Normally, when just the chant is said, that animal will appear. To make said animal attack, she'd have to say this: "___ I call you forth to me through the Wind. Dive."

Boar: Collide, Shatter
Cheetah: Run, Claw,
Owl: Shred
Turtle: Protect
Boomslang: Strike, Strangle
Falcon: Dive
Wolf: Howl, Divide (or she can howl into the sky)
Black Mamba: Multiple Strike
Cow: Ram, Shatter
Tiger: Roar, Tear Apart,

These animals are not real. They are made of elements. When an animal/animals are brought to life, the ring representing it will disappear. The only thing that is real on the animals in shikai, would be the fangs (& venom glands for snakes), and talons/claws/tusks. Animals in shikai mainly stay the size they'd be in the real world, although Vivi can sometimes make them bigger.

In order to activate each animal element thing, she has to say an incantation. If she wants all ten of the animals out, she has to say the entire chant like thing, moving in a circle around herself.

"Cheetah, I call you forth to me through the Wind." would be an example. She could also switch it up though, and say Fire, or Rain, or Air. While seeming like long chants, you really just have to think of them as kido chants. Which means they can be said quickly. The changes can also be said without the chant, but they arent as strong, or as fast in forming.

For stronger potency on her attacks, she can hold her right hand in a certain position, like, for air, she'd hold it straight in front of her, earth would be behind her, fire to the right of her, water to the left. This incorporates the "direction" of each element.

"___I call you forth to me through the Wind."
"___I call you forth to me through the Earth."
"___I call you forth to me through the Fire."
"___I call you forth to me through the Rain."

Each animal has a specific attack. They also have specific things they cannot change into (element wise)

Neither shikai nor bankai have named attacks, instead combos. As time goes on I will end up placing her most used chants/combos here.

Note: All animal elements can be beaten/destroyed. It depends on the element though, like an unchanged sword cannot cut through an earth animal, but a water shikai/bankai can make a fire animal disappear. The other way to make an animal disappear is to attack the "real" part of it.

True Bankai:
Saigo Dankai: Doubutsukai (roughly final/ultimate stage animal kingdom)
This is Vivi's true bankai. Upon the full name being said, massive waves of reiatsu surround Vivi, pushing things away, making people pass out, basically destroying most things near her at the time. Her reiatsu can now be compared to the sou-taicho or primera espada, although some could say she could be stronger. (people who’ve never seen Genbu’s bankai/Primera’s ressurecion of course) After the blast disappears, she is completely naked, save for scale like things that are now part of her skin. She has a tail looking thing. The tip changes constantly, sometimes being made of water, or other times being made of fire. Sorta like this.

The rings on her fingers completely disappear, now becoming a necklace. On the necklace are a feather, a shell, a piece of obsidian, and a claw.

She rarely ever goes into her true bankai. Her reason is simply that the dragons that are now around her tower over her. She doesn’t like feeling short. At all.

Each Dragon Stands at about 50 feet high. Both the Air dragon and Water dragon can change their size at will, simply adding onto their bulk by using their surroundings. This only works to an extent sadly. They, like the animals, are made entirely of elements, but give off the illusion of being completely real.

Side Effects:
* While in this form of bankai, Vivi cannot bring out any animals from before.
* While in this bankai she has a long, spear/glaive type thing. She can infuse elements into this, creating waves, slashes, earthquakes, etc with it. [x] (just a bit longer, a few inches taller than herself)
* She is immune to most forms of elemental attacks. (i mean, if its uber strong, she's gonna be effected by it, just not as much as a normal person)
* This bankai only lasts 20-25 posts. At that limit, she's forced to go into a weakened shikai state.

Fire Dragon
Controlling it

Air Dragon
Controlling it

Earth Dragon
Controlling it

Water Dragon
Controlling it

Special Accessories:
Always has either a bag or York patties on her, or a bag of Goldfish.
Also, always has an old cassette player with her in her back pocket, with big Yoh like earphones around her neck.

Advanced-Expert at almost all forms of hand to hand combat. Mainly Hung Ga though.

Immense mental concentration:
having to concentrate on all of her animals on the field, and protect herself/keep them alive has caused her to be able to focus on many things without missing a step. Most mind tricks/illusions fail to work on her because of this.

Shunpo: mastered

Extremely high reiatsu: Being the squad 11's captain has taught her that a fearsome reiatsu level can shut all the haters mouths. When pissed off, she can easily make a third seat pass out. When truly angry she can make lieutenants and some captains struggle to stay conscious.

Extreme strength: for someone her size, she possesses amounts of strength that can put the worlds strongest man to shame.

Hoho: Mastered


Personality wise, Vivi comes off as cold, distant, and pissy with everyone she meets. She refuses to change for anyone. She has that "******** with me and im gonna ******** you up" attitude all the time, even with people she likes. It takes a while for her to open up to anyone, even if she's known them for a while. Love is a myth to her. She refuses to let herself feel passion/lust/feelings for anyone, which is her reason for either treating you like a "big brother"/or like gum on the bottom of her heel. She's like this because of her early life in the Rukongai.

To most woman, she comes off still as cold and uncaring. She doesnt really like most woman, or get along with them to be honest.

Amazingly enough, she has a very low self esteem. She hides this very well with her mean girl attitude and the likes. Blows to her looks, attitude, or power will cause her to go off immediately, resulting in bloody & broken bones for the one who said the stuff.

Pre SS:

Vivi wasnt born when Raine died. She grew up in France with both of her parents, but she was horribly ill. At the time the disease she had was incurable. It was Leukemia. She was diagnosed at the age of ten. Five years later, a few months after her birthday, she died. She stayed in France for a while, trying to comfort her parents. Nothing worked. She actually, almost became a hollow, because of her uneasiness to leave the real world. Finally, a shinigami came and performed the ritual.
Winding up in SS, Vivi lived with an old couple. They both carried over illnesses with them from their past life, which made Vivi pity them. She found food for them, and did many of the chores around their small hut. After a few years, she finally realized that her own illness was gone. She thought this a miracle. On a regular morning, Vivi went out to try and find extra money to repair the house. Being in one of the worse areas, she was confronted by a local "gang". It was really just a group of guys that liked picking on smaller and younger people because they couldnt enter the Shinigami Academy. They ended up kidnapping her and having their way with her for many years after that day. She grew up to hate all men after that. One of the men came back to their hide out with another young boy, younger than Vivi even. Something inside of her snapped, and she ended up killing the leader in a fit of rage, and running away with the boy. That boy has followed her ever since.

The boy that she saved so long ago followed her into the Shinigami Academy, where both of them graduated. They were both the top of their class. Immediately, they both jumped into Squad 11. They both wanted to irradiate the evil in the world, and if they were in the strongest of all squads, that would be an easy way to do so. Even though one was from Egypt, and the other from France, they got along great. His name was Kanuht. He was old, older than most people in the squad, but didnt really have a fighting spirit. He only joined the Academy and Squad 11 because that's what Vivi did. He felt he owed her his life for protecting him like she did. He would sometimes revert to calling her "my lady" or some other high respect like name, earning him a bloody nose.

Over time, both Viviana and Kanuht rose in the ranks, the latter becoming the third seat, the former becoming the vice. They had both been sent on a mission to _____, where they were attacked by a massive barrage of hollows. An arrancar came out of nowhere, and attacked Kanuht. Both fought with the fierceness like no other. Viviana was forced to watch, for she had to protect the other squad members who werent strong enough to beat the high classed hollows. The arrancar made the death blow, and retreated with his hollow buddies. Vivi watched Kanuht die on the ground, too afraid to hold him. Since then, she constantly beats herself down for being so weak.

With his dying breath, he said, "I now...bind my soul...to yours... my lovely Sekmet."

Since that incident, she has always sensed his soul following hers. On rare occasions, she can have full on conversations with him. She can always see him, but his body is neither solid nor completely see through. He just kinda...floats there.

In one of her oh so famous fits of rage, she demanded a fight with the captain, claiming that she could do a better job of protecting the squad and training the men and woman harder. The man laughed at her, and blew her off. They ended up fighting eventually, after Vivi had tossed out more threats/insults. She won by a long shot, taking the position. (the captain..obviously wasnt Genbu... .___.)

Actual theme song(s):
Broken Like an Angel-Crossfade/ A Voice Within by Cristina Aguilara.

Facade Song(s):
Out of My Face Saving Abel/ High Road Fort Minor

And finally, when she's in a chill mood: Dont Tell Me
Vivi is addicted to goldfish, apple juice, and York patties, although she wont admit it. She can be bribed with those things.

If there are any problems you see with the newer version PM me or IM me. D:<

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Apr 21, 2010 @ 05:15am
that was the best journal i have looked at out of all the ones i have looked at whee

commentCommented on: Wed Apr 21, 2010 @ 05:24am
Haha thanks!

I have others, this is one Im still working on actually. :3

Usually I just [********] those I know I have a chance with. On alcohol, I ******** know I can have
sex with anyone, anywhere, any time regardless of relationship status.

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