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think of the impossible....
she walks.....
"me?" grace said childishly, her blood stained and her eyes red "why would i have killed haruka raphy?" she asked raphael looked at her sternly "whats wrong with you!" he yelled. "oh pish-posh lets play now!" she said she smiled taking her twisted keyblade and smoothly and very strongly whipped the blade at her lost lover hitting his chest. he fell back "and what of the others!" he said to her as it started to rain making her now tipped black blonde curly hair weigh on her ponytails. she looked quite gothic. she wore a black and silver dress with many laces and a belt with a skull ing front with an open mouth, inside the mouth was the heartless symbol. "most dead, others will give in to me soon" she said "did grave do this to you?" he said "nope i killed him" she answered smiling, fang shown like glimmering pearls. "then what of you?" asked another she looked up to see danny. her childhood sweet heart. he had firey eyes as well and his hair the colors of fire he smiled brickly and slighly looking at her then to raph. "oh why you helped me along danny" she said. raphael stumbled to his feet, had this girl, grace? really hurt him that bad danny smiled as if it was a complament when raph stumbled to the ground again.
"should i finish him?" grace asked as if she was under a spell "no his lights to weak, he will be my servant soon" danny said. he knelt to raphael who becamed angered at the second, danny examined the crystal on his neck that grace had given him so many days before and tore it off. "no more protection, i will see you soon" he said. the water splashed delicatly ob graces pale face and her saphire eyes were now like fire. her flawless blonde hair now tipped with darkness. and she laughed at raphs pain, and she no longer had control. the moon reflected off her making an eary glow, not an angelic one as before and she walked off stained with blood and others grief in danny's arms.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Feb 17, 2006 @ 03:20am
That was cool!

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