mind at war
i hate myself i truly do for i am causing the one i love so much pain it hurts me so much knowing i am. is it ok to help her when it hurts my love so much. i want to help her more than anything but i cant if it brings tears to an angels eye. i love my angle my baby girl more than anything so its an obvious choice right to cast jess aside even though it hurts shes my friend my best friend shes helped me so much no one will ever know but its nothing in comparison to ashley shes my sun my moon my stars my life my world her heart is my most precious treasure that i keep locked away inside me so its simple to get rid of jess but im worried for her for ashley for my humanity i made a vow no matter what to help all my friends but i feel its not worth the risk of losing ashley i want it to all work out she says there is nothing i can do to help her it hurt me so much to hear those words i actually broke down to day i want to help ill do anything to help her because i love her its a small sacrifice for her or is it to selfish of me to do that is it fair to let jess stayshe has done no wrong is it ok for me to do that to her for ashley even though she is no where in comparison to ashley and how she makes me feel i dont know what to do anymore i just feel like dying crying