I'm entered in the Avatar Arena. I'd appreciate it if you voted! (Hence the shameless self promotion. sweatdrop ) My Fishin' Boots avatar was fun to make. whee I randomly found out that the Blue Stone Helm went with the Aquamarine UpsideDown Boots, and built my avatar from there. It took a long time to make, since I don't have much of a fashion sense. xd
The Exchange
After being down for a long time, the Exchange is back up. I finally have my Gray Striper Helm. heart Isn't it pretty?  I'm almost done my other Striper Helms, and then I'm going to quit Bass'ken and move onto Port of Gambino.
My Slippers
 I got these cute slippers from a friend as a belated gift. But I found out they're really not good to wear when climbing stairs. I was going upstairs and downstairs cooking dinner the other day, and I fell up the stairs because I slipped on my slippers. gonk I scraped my elbow...and then fell up again a few minutes later. =_= Now my elbow's getting scabby, and I feel like a kid again. xd heart
Thank you!
Speaking of gifts, I'd like to thank everyone who gave me a gift on Gaia. Ever. whee I forgot it in my last entry, but thank you for all the gifts, art, and kind words you've given me. heart heart
Shatterglass · Thu Jan 19, 2006 @ 02:47am · 7 Comments |