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Kyomi's Journal of stuff Read about me!! YAY!!...although...i might not be so interesting heh..heh

Community Member
God I feel so alone
Its a good thing i had my pills today or I'd prolly be ******** loosing it right now. Today was my only day off this week. It was my day to relax after two straight days of working 8+ hour shifts. Today i had planned to:
-Have my laptop delivered to the depot
-buy myself a good ohine with a decent plan
-have a pre-paid credit card.
what hav i achieved out of any of this? Nothing, ******** nothing. I cant ******** depend on my mother for ANYTHING! i ask her 'mom can you find out how much it is for ups to deliver my laptop from barrie to missisauga? "oh shure i'll do that today!!" its three days later and guess what im using to type this journal? my disfunctional laptop of course! i ask her, Can you find out what i have to do to get myself a pre paid credit card " Oh `ll get you one at the end of the month!" That was in September!! Its the 22nd of OCTOBER!! Ontop of that now thanks to my mom we have absolutly NO phone not in the house nor her cell phone cuz she's to busy spending her money on drinking and pot to say... pay the bills? she was supposed to pay CitiFinancil over 300 buck by the 17th, i even offered to help her pay with what I had! Meanwhile im doing what i can to help her, im working my a** off everyday at work, i still manage to come home and spend time with my mom, i offered to buy her shampoo, I offered to take her out to dinner, I bought her chocolate when she craved it, i'd do ANYTHING for my mom, yet i cant ******** askk her to do one favour and acctually expect her to go through with it. What the hell does she do all day anyway? Sit at home and clean the house? you think in 8 hours she could have walked to the plaza droped a quarter and called UPS asking how much shipping would be to missisauga?

So today i'd asked her to help me go out and get all my running around done. we went to wal-mart to buy the cell phone, First she took off and it took us almost an hour to find her, then we found her and after 20 mins struggling to get her to the electronics section, she didn't want to use her credit card to put the phone in her name, so we paid for the crap she ran around and bought, then we were going to go to Money Mart to get myself the credit card, but she detoured and too us to the mall instead! (kat was with us) and of course its about 4:30 and mom said she had to get her drivers licence thing done at the mall, so she went in to do it 'quickly'. she came out around 5:30 (Kat had to be home by 6) with a Wnners shopping bag in her hand. Here we are waiting for her in the car and she went ******** SHOPPING!! after telling her Kat had to be home at 6 then getting yelled at we went to money Mart, only to find out that i didn't have the proper paperwork (Id, healthcard, birth certificate) to get the credit card, so we went home...

What a ******** WASTE of a day! im just as stressed out as ever and i have to ******** work tomorow again at noon! Hopefully next weekend i get off and Shawn can come down and help me relax for a bit bc i swear im about to kick my mom in her ******** empty head!!!