Villain name : Ardent
Secret Identity: Zane Jackson
Age: 22
Origin: magic and science
Alignment: bad
Bio: Zane's parents abandoned him at a young age, he grew up in a orphanage until he was 5. Thats when his powrs began to show. A scientist found him there and adopted him. THe man treated him like a sun and helped expand his powers. He raised him and Zane did all he asked for. When a girl escaped his father he agreed to hunt her down and bring her back no matter the cost.
Main objective: to do his fathers bidding, currently to find the phoenix
Villain powers/weapons/objects/ skills : His powers are electricity and water, he carries a stun gun and other things to capture mutants. He brings whoever his father targets in. He carries a net gun, chains and rope, as well as knckout bombs and various syringes to knock out a target. He sees himself as a assasin, he can get in and out of palces unnoticed most times.
Kitiara_fox · Wed Oct 07, 2009 @ 05:49am · 0 Comments |