Sorry it's so late, you guys! Way too much homework! D:<
Leiko ;;
Here is our probably most devoted member.
You were probably the most devoted person to this group-- no. Our team. I should say.
You made all of the scripts for our skits.
We had most of the meetings at your house where I always seemed to lose my mind once I walked in your front doors.
I think Ryuki put something in my drink.
"ROLL, b*****d, ROLL!"
But it's heart breaking how we can almost never see eachother anymore!
Plus, you're going to Canada! Hopefully we can take that road trip.
I'll always look up to your commitment to our group.
The way you were so silent yet so liked by everyone in our group . . .
Then again, that didn't last very long, thanks to me.
Oh the good times!
"When is the wedding?"
" . . . It was yesterday."
How many times have people stared at us weird when we screamed randomly in the skating rink?
Or made ourselves look like idiots in 6th grade? . . . Even though we were supposed to be the smartest in class.
Riku will allllwayyysss luff joo!!
Ryuki ;;
biggrin Oh. My. Jeebus.
You were the one I met that one free Friday in Ms.Echol's class and we started talking about Naruto and other animes.
That was when the crack-filled times began.
You had to be the person I related most to in Vartak.
We both had very similar backgrounds, personalities, and problems.
You were the one I could most share my personal thoughts with. I appreciate our understanding.
I will never forget the racist, dirty jokes we make in 3rd and 4th period.
Along with our adventures with Mr.Travis and our own stupidity.
Ah, the beauty of it all.
Riku will always be your Asian buddy.
No matter what you say.
Roxy ;;
I can remember the first day of school when Mr.Travis first assigned me in the seat behind you.
You didn't hesitate to talk to me. You seemed to invite me right in to this little family called Varta. Which I will never forget and always appreciate.
Skating rink, mall, Mr.Travis's classroom.
All of the hilarious memories.
"Ummm . . . they don't speak English . . ."
How we would argue over who was the coolest Akatsuki member.
Amaye ;;
I can remember walking into the principal's office in Chimneyrock Elementary in the fourth grade and sitting right next to you.
That was where we first met and became acquaintances.
Before 6th grade, all the memories we had were friendly smiles and waves.
Then Varta began and that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
My only Het. friend who seemed to support all of the same couples I did!
My heart broke to pieces when I found out you would be leaving and I still miss you sooo much.
All of our amazing phone conversations and chasing eachother in your backyard.
I miss you and love you bunches.
Hana ;;
Hana, Hana.
I can remember getting on the bus in fourth grade and sitting next to you since there was no where else to sit.
And then there was Sam. The three of us together were the three musketeers.
Tears come to my eyes when I remember those days.
Then the sixth grade was a very bumpy, long ride. That we seemed to make it through together.
Now, look at us. Best friends without complications. All of the prayers and tears were worth it.
How you could remain one of my best friends with all of my snaps escapes me.
Our idiocy, our fights, and we still remain.
And oh, Jeebus . . .
Which I still has. :3
Because I love joo that much!
Well, I'm sure you get the message. I love you guys. You are probably the most tolerant people I have ever met. What with my constant stubbornness, temperamental snaps, suicidal threats. And yet we are still stronger than ever.
That's friendship, real friendship. Something that not many people get in life. So thank you for giving me something so wonderful. I love you guys, and Happy Belated Anniversary.
Hold Me
Like The River Jordan
And I Will Then Say To Thee
You Are My Friend
Carry Me
Like You Are My Brother
Love Me Like A Mother
Would You Be There?
Vartak Song.
Vartak Fight Song.
Vartak Other Song.
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