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Strange Things~
Have You ever had some thing strange that happend to you and its so hard to explane and you dont know who to tell or who to trust. I kinda had some thing like that happend to you most people dont belive me....belive me or not it really happend.
I have strange dreams a lot of times and a lot of times they come true. I all ways thought of them as coincadence until one day.....back in the ninth grade thats when i started thinking twice about my dreams.
It was my first year at ninth sister had made friends with this girl named megan she was a wickan she had told heather that she was one of her kind by reading her palm...when heather my sister had told me that i told her she should stay away from her she was just bad news but she never lisend to me heather would bring home all kinds of weird artifacts she would say they where wicken items....i would say some thing to her that would make her mad idk i gusse i was kind of jeluse but one day my sister took me to her friend megan....she took my hand and rubed her fangers acros it....she looked at it for a while then looked back up at me and told me that i was one of them to i acted all cool and happy about it around my sister and her friend but really deep down inside i was lauging about it....but one day i had this weird dream well i dont think u can call it a dream since i was awake and in class i gusse more like and day dream or an vision what ever u want to call it.....but during my class i had allways used black inked pens i didnt like using pencils idk why but i was writing notes with one of my black pens in class and all of a sudden it bursted on me i looked at my black staind hands and focesed my atentson at my fore finger where the ink was a driping i keepet on looking at it and it was like every thing got so quite and all i notice was the ink a driping and all i could hear was the ink hiting my desk as it fell....then all of a sudden i had a dream or what ever u want to call it a girl was standing there in a middle of a fild and in the fild was lots and lots of black rose's in the girl's hadn was a black rose....she stood there for a while befor droping the black rose and at the end of her finger she had plucked her finger by the rose and there at the tip of her finger was a black liqued driping off like me with my pen ink.....the girl then collapsis and hits the ground her skin grows pale and then she is then gentle levatated my an light purple aura.....i told my sister that i had a very weird and freaky dream about an black rose my sister got tired of me telling her about it so she took me to megan the next day during lunce megan took me to a place where there was no one else she looked out the window and told me that heather had told her that i had a weird dream and thought i should tell her....i only got a couple of words out of my mouth befor she took over all i said was that i had a weird dream about an black rose and she interupted and took over from there she knew every thing about my dream and i didnt tell her any thing it was like she was right there in my drem it was so weird and freraky....she had told me that the girl in my dream was me from the past.....and the black rose was my weakness there is an black liqued in it that can kill me it was used to kill my type of wickned power kind or how ever u want to call it and when i pass out or go into a comma an aura covers me to try to save me or some thing i was so freaked out i didnt eat that mutch after words when i got home i confronted my sister and asked her if she had told her about my whole dreram that was the only way i could think how she new my dream with out me telling her but my sister had just told her that i had a dream that she thought i needed to tell her and that was all she haddnet told her any thign else about my dream because she had forgoten....i was afficaly freaked out......i had another dream like that but im going to keep that one a secrat...because people will be thiking im a freak or some thing who needs help.....well i gusse thats all i gusse we all have drerams or stuff that happens to us...i gusse.