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think of the impossible....
the sweet lullaby
they were finally some where that she could trail off once more, twilight town, she travelled away from the others and in a dark silent ally way she travelled looking around. "this place is kinda like the cities in mytholony" she laughed "no wonder i liked raph" she said. she looked up "they think everything about me is dark... yet they dont know that past is what makes the future... a dark past... means a dark future" she side and slid down "i'm a freak... an outcast... again" she said and looked up at the stars. "upon this light
this light of mine. my world in shambles start to crumble down.
finding freedom.
finding life, no more love... an eternal bath
filled with bubbles of a dark dark past this life of mine wont make me laugh.
this is my lullaby, my long lost lullaby
to be loved
to be wanted
friends that would stay
loves that would hold me.
upon my life
my life of mine i hope for truth.
and just to feel good.
to find my light
to heal my heart
this life.... i have right now
will never be... happy
i hope once more
that someone will hear
my soft loving lullaby" grace sang she curled up.... and started to actually cry... for tears that ran down her cheeks were streams only... now this was an ocean. that she was drowning in. and all she wanted. was sombody to love her... as just being her.

((you can add to this 4laugh it would be much appriciated))

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jan 04, 2006 @ 02:09am
That's very sad. Grace is so emo!

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