me and my husband got preg and he says its to early in the relation ship to have a baby! also... he cant afford him. but i know i will be able to afford him on my own and also... im not sure he even wants another baby. or if he even wanted luke... the baby i had from the last relation ship. (that one will be the next journal story). i want this baby and he does not.he said Abortion, abortion is NOT an answer! NOT an option! i will take the baby in even if it kills the relation ship cuz its his and my kid that i love! and im sure he will accept my disition to keep my loving new boy... whos name will be Jack for a boy or Jackie if a girl! if i get to name him. thats what i had to say! i had to get it out. i like writing in my journal! i will do it more!
ok i had the baby i dont see the daddy. it was a girl. not a boy. oh and on the 7th i had another entry about my PAST relation ships. Luke is older now. and so is my girl, Lilly.
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