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Kyomi's Journal of stuff Read about me!! YAY!!...although...i might not be so interesting heh..heh

Community Member
Wow, and just when I thought I had a reason to live.
Well it’s been a long time since I’ve written in herm but seeing as in I have no internet at home right now forcing me to take my internet addiction to the public I can no longer run into my room and cry, or mutilate innocent animals in WoW.

I just figured out that the man who I trusted with my life, the man who I plan to marry, the man I love, had at one point been in love with my best friend while he dated me.

well yes it would be a lie to say that I’m not angry, pissed off, heartbroken, seething, raving insanely angry...but let’s look on the bright side of there one?

Hah, what’s even funnier is not 2 days ago I had given this man my purity. My gift, he one true way to prove your love. Hah, what a joke life can be... Thanks alot god! You have a great sence of humor.

Well I’m back home in my hell-hole life living with a bunch of collage degenerates. But hey, you know I was thinking of actually moving to St. Catharine’s to be with my love, but right now the only think I can imagine me doing is giving him a nice warm slap to the face.

I mean, I knew Amanda and Kat liked him. I wouldn't blame them, but thanks to Monika now I have the conversation of her stating that...

"It was my duty to distract him while gaara was up and then m y way of distracting him was to bug him sexually and then things sort of heated up between us and now hes in love with me and tracey"
" oh..did u gusy kiss or soemthing?? how do u know he likes u?"
" lol no I didn't kiss him I let my hands do the talking "

Well, you can imagine how fun that was for me to read. Yes I admit I had coaxed my bf into trying a three way relationship with another girl. It’s not like I was cheating on him, and yes I knew he didn't like the idea but that really justify the means here!?

So, in this case I’ve made it official that I never want to speak to the loudmouth Monika again. And I'm really confused on what to do about who was once one of my closest friends Amanda and my (perhaps soon to be ex) bf Shawn. Although I know my love for him is far too strong I probably won’t break up with him, but some people would say, that was a pretty decent reason to do so.

Oh what to do what to do… its almost laughable. To think that as soon as I had something so perfect it blew up in my face! What’s even worse is that had he told me himself, I probably would have forgiven him. But apparently he changed his mind about telling me leaving the job to Monika. Amanda obviously had no intention of telling me. I wouldn’t blame her, apparently it went through her mind that he loved her more than me.
haha so whats gonna happen, does he like u or tracey mnore?

lol its a long and complicated story
both equally

he lieks u the same or soemthing lol
oh boy..
does tarcey know?

some days he loves me more cause i care and never get mad at him and i dont lie to him. and no SHE DOES NOT
she will soon though lol

k, well i dont talk t her so she wont know dont worry
how will she soon??

cause he's gonna tell her

oh..shes gonna be so pist with both of u, u know shes probably gonna like..break up with hima nd never soeak to u,a nd then u 2 are gonna end up going out haha omg..


Well now don’t I feel special. Apparently she was willing to beat me up too.
hes gonna say he wnast to date u?

he's gonna tell her that he's in love with two people at once and cant choose. then she's gonna get mad, try to beat me up, get her a** kicked then cry a lot

hahaha oh well

it will be amusing*

lol yeah wish i was there too bad

LOL i just hope she tries to start something. lol but the only thing that sucks is if she hates nd dumps him i will lose kat aswell cause kat will be mad i made her cry

how will u lose kat as well??
cuz shell be mad at u?
an dstick with her?


Oh well what’s a girl to do…