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Suffering's Journal My Journal I guess...Tells whats up and such^^

Community Member
Second Entry
Yea...My second entry which'll be short...Its been a while, but I had to do it.

So, my story...Its not popular at all. No one will even notice me on DA. I swear I'm invisible, everywhere...I might as well give up on the story. Give up on DA. If no one'll pay attention to me. I give up,. Yea, I've only been there for a year or so, but...I draw stuff that people have interest in! NO ONE cares 'bout little nekoivy. The little green neko who's been on DA for a year. Draws anything she can so people will comment. She's about to give up. She's about to leave. nekoivy just wants people to comment, she wants to become popular. nekoivy feels like she doesn't exist. nekoivy wants people to favorite, comment. give her a hello once in a while. Talk to her...
