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Yiva-shewolf's journal i like to write about what i read,poems i write,songs i like to sing, and things that i do on gaia

Community Member
A continue of the book im wriing but im putting ch 1&2 on

It was a warm spring morning in the forest when Lilith came out of her den.
Blackheart, her mate was still sound asleep jerking around as if he was having a nightmare.
Lilith walked up to her sleeping mate and gently nudged his cheek trying to wake him up.
After nudging him a couple times she gave up trying to wake him and went outside to
go hunting hoping Blackheart wont worry too much when he sees she’s gone.
Lilith walks up to Firestorm, Blackheart’s best friend and Beta male of the pack,
and told him to tell her mate that she has gone out to catch their breakfast. Firestorm
obediently obeyed his leaders orders and sat outside the alphas’ den waiting for Blackheart to
awaken. Lilith left sure that the obedient beta would warn Blackheart where she was.
In the forest all was quiet and peaceful she longed so much to just sunbathe on a
rock and nap. Lilith sniffed the air for the scent of a rabbit or something that will fill her
and Blackheart’s belly. Soon she caught the scent of a rabbit and instantly started toward the
scent silently. Soon Lilith could see her prey and crouched down in the grass and started
to come towards the rabbit slowly. The rabbit threw its head up apparently aware of Lilith’s
presence and started franticly looking around and caught the yellow eyes of Lilith. The rabbit
suddenly dashed across the field with Lilith close to its tail. The rabbit tried to get away
from the hungry she-wolf but it was too late Lilith had caught up to the rabbit and killed it
with a quick snap of the rabbit’s neck.
Lilith started towards home satisfied with her catch, she was sure her mate would be
glad to see her with food in her jaws. Lilith came to the clearing of her pack’s territory
she looked up at her den and saw the figure of her mate’s body. Lilith happy that her mate
had finally awaken started wagging her tail and began quickening her pace.
Blackheart had finally seen his mate coming apparently happy that she
had caught food for them. Blackheart went to greet his mate with loving licks to her muzzle.
Blackheart was happily wagging his tail as Lilith came to greet him with happy yips,
he politely took the prey from his mate’s jaws and walked it into their den, then
barked letting Lilith know it was time to eat.
Lilith came into the den ready to eat as Blackheart allowed her to take the first bite
then joined in their tails wagging. Lilith glanced at Blackheart letting him know that soon
their going to need to go on a hunting patrol with the pack , it was Blackheart’s turn to
lead the hunting patrol so Lilith could rest. Blackheart grunted letting her know he was going
to take the pack out hunting and walked out of the den and howled to tell the pack it was time
to go hunting. Lilith walked to the back of the den and curled up in a ball and drifted to sleep.
Blackheart gathered his pack together and picked out his strongest hunters to go
with him. Blackheart picked Firestorm, Iceshadow, Littlerock, Tigershade, and Dewdrop to
come with him on the hunting trip he would need his strongest hunters to catch a moose big
enough to feed the pack. Blackheart started leaving when he heard his mate call him he
looked back at the den to see what she wanted and she told him to be careful especially
since this is the time when most man hunters come around he barked to her to let
her know that he will return safe. Blackheart started out again and glanced back at
the den one more time before he left with his hunters.
Blackheart and his hunting patrol had reached a field where most deer and
moose are usually grazing. Blackheart sniffed the air to see if there were any moose
or deer around it took a while before he scented moose and yipped to the pack to gather
and follow him. Blackheart’s hunting patrol was once again in the forest as he sniffed the
air again the moose scent was stronger here and so Blackheart once again started following
the scent his patrol close behind. Blackheart reached a big rock and he could smell the
moose’s presence now. Blackheart quietly glanced over the rock and saw the moose grazing
on a tree leaf. Blackheart jumped off the rock and signaled the pack to split up so they could
surround the moose.
Blackheart was close to the side of the rock where the moose was in clear view so
he could keep his eyes locked on the moose. Blackheart heard the crunch of a leaf and looked
around to see that Tigershade had stepped on a dead leaf making their presence noticeable
Blackheart gave Tigershade an angry look. Tigershade’s tail went between his legs realizing
when they get back he’s going to get a lecture from his leader later. Blackheart locked his
gaze once again on the moose who was now aware of their presence.

Blackheart looked around at his pack and gave them the signal to attack.
Soon wolves were everywhere and the moose was trapped but not ready to give up his
life to the pack of wolves. Tigershade started nipping at the moose’s hind leg apparently
unaware that it had made the moose mad. The moose gave a challenging wail to
the young hunter and picked up its other hoof prepared to strike at Tigershade’s
head. Out of nowhere Littlerock blocked the hoof from hitting Tigershade and
yelped painfully as the hoof struck her head and knocked her out. Blackheart
looked in horror at Littlerock sure she was going to die and ran up to her
tossing her away from the moose hoping she still had a little strength left in her.
Blackheart jumped at the moose’s neck and tore his teeth into its flesh weakening
the moose a little from there he gave the signal for the wolves to bite at its legs.
Iceshadow bit hard on the right front leg, Tigershade Bit on the left front leg,
Dewdrop bit the right hind leg, and Littlerock still week from the blow bit as
hard as she could on the left hind leg. The moose collapsed and Blackheart pounced
off of the moose’s shoulders as the pack gathered around and killed the moose together.
Lilith staring eagerly into the forest waiting for the hunting patrols return she
heard a single howl from her mate letting her know he needed help carrying whatever
he had caught back to the camp. Lilith hurredly came out and called her pack together
to pick the wolves who will help the patrol bring back their food. Lilith picked
Snowfire, Leafheart, Smallpebble, and Fawnseed. Lilith and her pack set out
to find the hunting patrol.
Lilith finally reached Blackheart’s patrol and saw that they were ready
for them to help. Lilith barked at the wolves she brought with her to help lift the moose.
Lilith and Blackheart’s patrols finally reached the camp and dropped the moose in
the middle of the clearing as the pack streamed in to eat, Lilith glimpsed Blackheart
talking to Darkmoon, the healer of the pack, Lilith wondered why he would need
Darkmoon’s assistance. Lilith trotted over to Blackheart and Darkmoon and saw that Littlerock
was being examined by Darkmoon. Lilith gave her mate a questioning look Blackheart
whimpered telling her he would tell her tonight. Lilith left it at that and looked down at her
friend with worried eyes and Littlerock weakly yipped to Lilith that she was ok.
Lilith didn’t believe her friend but promised she would come see her in the healer’s den
and Littlerock nodded in approval as Lilith looked at the healer to see if it was ok to come
visit her friend. Darkmoon nodded in approval as well Lilith licked her friend comfortingly
on the cheek.
The sun had finally set and the camp seemed to be calming down and quieting
for the night. Lilith looked out and began walking towards the healer’s den to check on
Littlerock. Lilith arrived at the den and poked her head inside and saw her friend laying
on the floor. Lilith whimpered scared for her friend, Littlerock looked up to see Lilith
coming towards her and weakly wagged her tail letting Lilith know she appreciated
her company. Lilith looked at her friend and began crying remembering how when she
first met Littlerock was when she was only a pup. Lilith remembered how much trouble
they got in when they were pups, Lilith and Littlerock stood by eachother through everything
and Lilith didn’t know what she would do without Littlerock by her side. Lilith looked
at Littlerock and put her paw on Littlerock’s neck and named her beta female of The
Darkrstar wolf pack. Littlerock smiled gratefully at Lilith and licked her muzzle.


Blackheart was in the den when his mate returned from the healer’s den.
Blackheart prepared himself to comfort his mate when Littlerock dies. But to
Blackheart’s surprise she wasn’t depressed she just came in, licked his muzzle,
and smiled. Blackheart was confused, didn’t his mate’s best friend just die?
Blackheart asked Lilith if Littlerock had died.
Lilith flashed her mate a shocked look and told him that Littlerock hadn’t
died she only had a bad injury on her head where the moose’s hoof had struck
her. Lilith remembered that she had asked Blackheart to tell her what had happened
to get Littlerock injured. Lilith looked at Blackheart and asked what happened as
she lied down to listen to his story.
Blackheart was grateful that Lilith had remembered to ask him about
the hunting patrol and what had happened to Littlerock because he had forgotten
he was going to tell her. Blackheart told Lilith what happened on the hunting
patrol and how her friend was badly injured to where death could have been
a possibility. By the time he had finished telling his mate what happened she
was fast asleep. Blackheart stared at his mates sleeping body for a while, he
thought she looked so beautifull and peaceful when she slept. Blackheart loved
watching Lilith sleep. Blackheart licked Lilith’s muzzle and curled up next to
her and drifted into sleep.
Lilith woke the next morning to find that Blackheart was gone. Lilith
walked out of the den to see Snowfire waiting outside the den for her. Snowfire
happily greeted her leader and told her where Blackheart had gone. Blackheart
had gone hunting since she went out the day before.
Blackheart arrived home with a hunting patrol carrying a deer which
was all they could catch today. Blackheart had brought home a rabbit for Lilith
and himself for breakfast. Blackheart emerged into the den greeted by a very
happy and excited Lilith.
Lilith and her mate enjoyed their meal of rabbit, she was grateful that
Blackheart had took the time to go on a hunting patrol and bring food home for
her and Blackheart.
Lilith went to visit her friend in the healer’s den to see haw Littlerock
was doing. Lilith’s friend pricked her ears as she heard Lilith coming in the den,
Lilith thought that Littlerock looked weak but seemed a little more stronger.
Littlerock yipped happily her bark much stronger then yesterday. Lilith yipped
happily to Littlerock excited that her friend was stronger.
The sun was low in the sky when Lilith emerged from the healer’s den.
Blackheart wagged his tail as he saw his mate coming towards him. Blackheart
knew what it meant when Lilith came home happy, it meant she was going to sleep
well tonight.

It had been six months and Lilith’s belly was big full of new pups ready
to be born. Lilith could tell the pups were ready to be born when she feels them
pawing at her belly. Lilith began to whimper painfully as she began the process
of giving birth.
Blackheart watched his mate as he howled for Darkmoon to help his mate
through her birthing process. Blackheart watched as Darkmoon busted in the den
to help his daughter as Littlerock rushed in behind him
Soon Lilith had given birth to two beautiful pups a boy and a girl. The boy
was a beautiful light colored wolf who looked a lot like Lilith and the girl was dark
with glossy black fur like her father. Lilith named her daughter Darkrose after her
best friend who had died for Lilith to save her from an evil enemy named Hawk.
Blackheart could see pain and pride flash through his mate’s eyes as she
named their daughter. Blackheart named the boy Crystalleaf after his mother who
had adopted him when he was a pup because they had abandoned him, Blackheart
still hurt by his parents betrayal but was happy that he had never met them.
Lilith watched Blackheart’s eyes as he named his son. Lilith could tell
her mate was thinking of his mother. Lilith curled around her two newborn pups and
fell asleep to the sound of her pups suckling.


A month passed since Darkrose and her brother were born. Darkrose was stalking
a butterfly trying to imitate her mother’s strategy. Darkrose couldn’t believe how good
her mother was at hunting, Darkrose wanted to be as good as her mother and become an
alpha just like her mother. Darkrose looked up to her mother as an idol.
Crystalleaf stalked his sister while she pawed playfully at a butterfly, today he was
going to scare his sister right out of her fur. Crystalleaf slowly started going towards his
sister silently. When Crystalleaf was close enough behind his sister he sprang into the air
and pounced on Darkrose.
Darkrose jumped almost two feet into the air it seemed as she was attacked by her
brother who was now rolling on the grass laughing historically at her. Darkrose’s fur was
still bristling from the scare as she narrowed her eyes at Crystalleaf and attacked her laughing
Crystalleaf still laughing was whacked hard in his head by his sister’s paw. Crystalleaf
was knocked off balance from the blow. Crystalleaf clumsily fell into a bunch of flowers and
saw his sister laughing at him. Darkrose always got him back whenever he scared her and
sometimes it took a couple days before she did.
Darkrose smiled triumphantly at her brother, she had won him over again.
Darkrose heard laughing in the distance as she saw her mother emerge from the woods with
a hint of amusement in her eyes.
Lilith laughed at her two pups, her daughter reminded her so much of herself when
she was a pup always whacking a wolf in the head whenever they did something stupid.
Poor Crystalleaf didn’t see it coming, Lilith chuckled beneath her breath remembering
what had just happened.
Crystalleaf glared at his mother and sister as they laughed at him. Crystalleaf would
get his sister back later once he thought of something to do.
Darkrose laughed at him with her mother again, she knew Crystalleaf was going
to get her back once he thought of something to do to her, he always does.

Crystalleaf circled Darkrose and tackled her to the ground playfully nipping at her neck.
Then he heard his father’s howl telling them it was time to eat.
Lilith walked with her pups back home to eat. They arrived and saw wolves devouring
the prey the patrol had brought home. Lilith was hungary and couldn’t wait to sink her teeth into
the deer’s flesh. Blackheart and Lilith had to let their pups eat first.
Darkrose sank her teeth into the flesh of the deer and smiled as the blood took over
her taste buds. Darkrose thought the deer was delicious. Darkrose looked over at her brother
as he devoured the deer, Darkrose looked at him disgusted “ugh boys.”
Darkrose walked from the circle of wolves eating the deer and sat down by a couple of
flowers and watched the pack eat the deer. Then another wolf had caught her eye he was dark
like her and looked a little like a fox she thought he was so cute then she realized that this wolf
may be her first crush.
Lilith walked over to where her daughter was and joined her by the flowers as she realized
her daughter was looking away from the crowed and looking over by Snowfire’s den and saw that
she was staring dreamily at Snowfire’s son ,Darkfox and smiled realizing her daughter had fallen
in love with Darkfox.
Darkrose was still staring at the dark wolf as she felt her mother nudge her towards him.
Darkrose looked up at her mother who was staring lovingly at her encouraging her to go meet
this other wolf. Darkrose cautiously walked towards the wolf as her heart started beating faster
and faster realizing she was nervous to meet this other wolf. Darkrose saw the wolf’s ears p***k
up and looked over at her as she saw the wolf’s beautiful dark green eyes she felt as if she was
melting. Darkrose walked over to the wolf as he greeted her “your Lilith’s daughter right”
the wolf asked Darkrose.
Darkrose nodded in reply and opened her mouth to ask what his name was and before she
could ask he had said “my name is Darkfox im the son of Snowfire one of Lilith’s best friends its
nice to meet you what’s your name” Darkrose smiled and said “ Hi Darkfox im Darkrose Lilith and
Blackheart’s daughter it’s a pleasure to meet you as well” for a moment there was an awkward silence
as she stared into Darkfox’s eyes he was so handsome and polite from there Darkrose knew she had
fallen in love with him.


A couple years had passed and Lilith’s pups were grown and were about to be named
official Darkstar Wolf Pack members. Lilith watched as her pups walked onto the tree stump
and stood with pride in front of the pack, Lilith had waited since the day her pups were born
to be named official Darkstar Wolf Pack members and finally they were standing with pride
in front of the pack to be granted their memberships.
Darkrose stood in front of the pack her chest fur puffed out and her head held high
in triumph. Darkrose was now old enough to be named official member of the pack and will
work to fulfill her dream of becoming alpha from there. Darkrose was both excited and nervous
but it didn’t matter she will now be an official member of the pack. Darkrose glanced around
the crowd and spotted her father, mother, Snowfire, Littlerock, and Darkfox. Darkfox had
already been named a member of the pack and now he is watching his best friend be named
official member he smiled up at her letting her know he was proud.
Blackheart stood up from where he was sitting and walked up to the tree stump where
his pups were standing he was going to make them official members of The Darkstar Wolf Pack
he like his mate had been waiting so long for this moment. Blackheart took his position on the
platform in front of his den and looked down on the two wolves Darkrose and Crystalleaf
and said “ fellow pack members we gather here today to make these two wolves Darkrose and
Crystalleaf official members of The Darkstar Wolf Pack” the pack barked with happiness
as Blackheart said those words “ Darkrose please walk up to where im standing”
Darkrose walked up next to her father and looked at him she could see pride in his eyes
as he looked at her and her mother smiling happily behind him “Lilith please stand next to me”
Darkrose watched as her mother walked up beside him and took her position next to her father
“Darkrose, daughter of Lilith and I, do you swear to be true to your pack and serve in any way you can”
Darkrose nodded and replied “I do” then Lilith came up to her “ do you swear to love all pack members
and treat them with respect” Darkrose nodded again and said “I do” then both alpha’s stood beside her
and placed their head on her shoulders then stood in front of her “ I Blackheart alpha male of The Darkstar
Pack make you an official member of this pack” Blackheart licked her ears, nose, and muzzle officially
making her a pack member’ then Lilith came up to her “ I Lilith alpha female of The Darkstar Pack make
you a official pack member and may Darkrose my good friend bless you with the power of courage and trust “ Lilith licked Darkrose’s nose, ears, and muzzle making her an official pack member and looked
into her eyes letting her know that she will explain later. Darkrose walked down and was congratulated
with happy yips and licks the first to come to her was Darkfox.
Crystalleaf smiled and then barked to his sister in congratulation then took his place in front
of his father and mother to become official member of the pack his parents did the same thing they did to Darkrose but his father said “ I Blackheart alpha male of The Darkstar Wolf Pack make you a official pack member and may Crystalleaf my adopted mother grant you with kindness and gentleness” and his father
licked his ears, nose, and muzzle making him an official member of the pack and looked at him saying
he doesn’t want to explain it. Crystalleaf walked off the platform and was greeted with many congratulating
yips and licks then he saw a beautiful cream colored she-wolf and walked up to her and said “ hi im
Crystalleaf son of Blackheart and Lilith its nice to meet you” the she-wolf smiled shyly and looked at him
with beautiful neon blue eyes that took his breath away and said “ hi im Yiva daughter of Littlerock and Iceshadow its nice to meet you as well” Crystalleaf looked at her and asked her if she would like to go for
a walk with him and she nodded. Crystalleaf and Yiva walked off their fur brushing each others sides and
wagging their tails Crystalleaf had finally fallen in love.