Going to limit my Gaia activity now that exams are looming in the horizon. I really need to not be here. xd
Gaia News
Nitemare Parasol
 See what I get for guessing the most obscure thing I could think of? The winning entry. ninja Thanks to the G.E.N. Sealed Letter contest. heart
Jack and Santa Well...I didn't follow S Corp, so I can't really say I'm disappointed the Elftechs weren't featured in this update. I'm betting the story will pick up later on.
The manga itself wasn't too impressive. It irked me that Santa said things like "ur" in speech bubbles. Well, chat speak tends to annoy me in general. But to use it as part of a character's dialogue...Ugh. stressed
I really like young Jack. He's scary, but cute. (Scruty? XD) Anyway, the ending was a bit trite. The anti-violence message was demeaned by describing Santa's problem as "talking smack". xp
And the G Team doesn't have any females in it. The only one who was present was Sasha, who is only fit to stand in front of Jack and Santa and be rescued. xp I'd almost take offense to that, but I don't really consider Sasha to be a representative of the female population. confused
So the storyline isn't supposed be taken seriously at all, yet here I am analyzing it. All this leads me to realize that I take great stock in fictional characters. I guess the admins have done their job. xd
...And in Other News
O___o;; So I go to a university where visitors inevitably get lost. I've given a lot of directions in my time here. Actually, that was one of the things I liked about it -- people were really friendly.
Anyway, I was walking to class, and I saw up ahead a visitor asking a student where the Physics building was. I was close enough to hear their conversation, as I was walking in their direction.
Visitor: Do you know where the Physics building is? Student: Hmm...I'm not really sure. *looks around and spies me* Hey, maybe this guy knows! biggrin Me: (...Guy?! gonk ) Oh, um, it's right over there in that direction. *points* And it's on your left. Visitor and Student: Thanks. 3nodding Me: ( crying )
For the record, it was getting dark. And it was snowing, so the hood of my jacket was up, obscuring my face. But it's not the first time I've been mistaken for a guy. Though, I'm too small to be a guy. I'm short even for a girl. Oh well. sweatdrop "Shatterglass" not only refers to my voice, but also to what happens to a camera when my picture is taken. xd
High Heels I avoid wearing high heels when I can. I prefer flat shoes because I do a lot of walking. That and the fact that I'm clumsy and can't walk well in them. confused Anyway, it happened that I had to wear high heels to campus. Actually, they weren't even high heels, but platforms. And I still can't walk in them. stressed The walk probably took me 25 minutes to get there, and another 25 minutes to get back home. I'm surprised I didn't fall on the way. @_o;; But to avoid falling, I had to strap my shoes on tight. Now my skin is chafed where the heel straps were. sweatdrop
Exam time So that'll pretty much be all from me for now. If I'm good, I'll stay away from Gaia, or at least limit my activity. If I'm bad, you'll see me online. crying
Shatterglass · Sat Dec 03, 2005 @ 02:14am · 0 Comments |