-nice- next in chemical ecstacy
-meepers- MErry 'Efin Presents Expensively Raped Somewheres
-yayers- yes always yes everythings right straight
-meep- me equal ecstacy plus
-mew- major ecstacy winner
-yeah- you equal ah s**t
-squee- secretly quenches ecstacy eaters
-yuppers- your under paid person equal retail services
-glomp- give lots of money people
-Kari- kinky and really insane
-Samala- Supper Annoyed Mother And Loads Attractive
-Kake- Kind around kitchen electricity
-Amaya- Always meeping at your avatar -lol- long or little
-drools- Drains Random Ooberly Overflowing LiquidS or Damned Rats Own Our Lazy Selves
-window- will induce nervous dislike of walls
-tails- torn apart in livid spazum
-chip- calling hopeless idiodic people
-twitch- Toxic Waste In The CHeerios
-cake- can always kill everyone
-flame- ******** lame avatars meep everything
-********- found under can't keep
-lame- llamas ate my ecstacy
-s**t- supper happy insane time
-mind- mixed in normal dilema
-fun- ******** up nolonger or ******** up nothing
-sane- see apples never eat
-insane- inexpertly nonesistant apple now everywhere
-special- see people eat cake in alibi lake

 Take The quiz yourself!
KariH8sEvry1 · Thu Dec 01, 2005 @ 02:31am · 1 Comments |