It's Hard to remember, summer, or winter... |
Elloz! ( i REALLY gotta' stop doin' the whole song thing...Gosh) *coughs* ANYWAYS! Welcome to another blog! ~woot~ ~woot~ :0 (Bump up the Party yo') hahaha, well! This morning, i could hear my dad saying "Hey, Sugar-Dumplin' It's time to Get up" And i Moaned, "oook", so then i kinda scooted to the edge of my Bed, and Laid my head on my Floor, and fell asleep. XD Eventually i Got up and took a Shower, and Stuffs. :3 Then, We drove back to my house and Picked up Casey! And we Drove ALL the way to me Grandma's! And had a de-Lovely Lunch! =3 Played Tag, And watched t.v. ^^ It's was a Beautiful Day Outside Today, also. Not to hot, with a Cool Breeze. ahhh. i Can still Remember sitting under my Grandma's Giant tree, Listening to the Stream Below the Deck, and The Wind Softy Kissing My Face. The Leafs Of the Tree, Tickling my neck. ahhh...*Sinks in my chair* Anyways! Then, me dad Brought us back home, and My mom took me with her to a Choir Concert! It was SOOO fun! I sat Next to Marli-chan and her sis'! And i watched Mandi Preform! ^^ Today, was a Splendid day! (I dun have to many of those, sho yesh...) School is almost out! (And when i say that, i mean about in a Month, or so...) They Extended the School Length this year, so we could have two weeks for Christmas. (It's Stupid i know...) Anyway! Also: I AM IN LOVE RIGHT NOW!...(Not like that) But Like, im craving Donald o Connor. (a Dancer) He sung that one song i Love so much (De-Lovely) And he Tap-danced in it! (He is SOO amazing! here is a Youtube Vid. with him Dancing Like a MASTER! (End of Journal Entry) And, ummm...Oh! My Brother has a Girlfriend, im freaking out! (Cuz i just CAN'T see him kissing someone!) He is dating, my Friend's Sis' (Marli's Sis'.)..I Dun really care if they go out, i just find it funny to picture my brother Kissing!!! XD ahahahahahaha! He would find a Way to Mess it up. (I Bet) =3 Anyways! This Has Been *Drum Roll* ~Jessica's Blog~ (Thanks For Reading my Blog, here's to Many More Blogs [below] )
 (Please ignore, the HORRIBLE Drawing of the hand, and the Computer. hahaha) sweatdrop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqzrl21tC-Y
jess_jess_chan · Sun May 10, 2009 @ 05:25am · 0 Comments |