Please tell me baby. deep down inside all i want is, is you. |
Ellloz! ^^ Well, Today has been..*Takes in a Deep breath*...very boring....*Exhales, and Grabs my Sketch Notebook*...=_= VERY boring. Like, NOTHING has happened!...i guess i could tell ya'll what happened, to make me get grounded again. (im not anymore, but for a week i was)... Well! Last Tuesday, We (my family), were having Fish for dinner (Fried Fish and scallops, to be exact)...anyway, i Dis-like Fish, but i managed to Eat down the Fried Fish. My Mom reached over to the Scallops, and Put one on my plate, Of course im freaking out, cuz it smelled and looked BAD!...Soooo after about, 20mins of fighting with my Family about it, my step-dad went to a Timer, and said i had 60secs to eat it or i would be grounded, again. (of course)...i did not eat it, because i didn't believe him when he said that. (Because it is, and Was a Stupid reason to Ground me)...Anyway... ~ *Dances* ALL day today i had the song, "Canned Heat" in my head. and now that im listening to it, im dancing! XD ~woo~ (It's By Jamiroquai ) Omg, it's so awesome! *Spins in my chair, and sings along* xD i am SUCH a Goober! ...hahahahaha, anyways! Oh! Over the Weekend, i went to my Lake house, and i brought my Friend, Julis with me, and so we went down to the lake, and we saw this HUGE, Dead, Gar laying along the Bank of the river, so we started throwing rocks at it! hahahaha, then we got a BIG hole in it's belly, and Julia threw a rock inside of it..(It got stuck in there!) hahaha. And umm, oh! then i tooka Stick, and shoved it down it's throat...O _ O ....*Dances*...~Dance there's nothing left for me to do than dance!~ (Hahahaha part of the song...~you know this Boogie is for real, got so much Canned Heat in my heals!~ anyways! This Has Been *Drum Roll* ~Jessica's Blog~ Keep Looking up, Cuz that's Where it all is! ~ And now, some Pics from my Fav Movie, "Spirited Away"

jess_jess_chan · Tue Apr 28, 2009 @ 10:38pm · 1 Comments |