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zero the 8 tailed demon.
nazo gets back at zero
*the fight begains*
zero:lets do this
nazo surprised k
*zero runs at nazo when nazo put something in zero and zero fell*
nazo:i made it like it its called demon killer
zero:rrrrrr aaaaaaaaaaaaaa...*stops moveing*
nazo:yes zero die
zero:uu..will..not..awwww*closes eyes*
nazo:*yelling*i killed zero master come
*some comes*
guy:yes good job
nazo:ty wolf
wolf:now to trap the shadowbringer failmy
*shade wakes up*
shade: eek noooo u will pay for that
wolf surprised really nazo
*nazo runs at shade and hits him so hard he faints*
wolf:bring them all to the cell
nazo:yes master