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zero the 8 tailed demon.
zero's past
*on the plane zero thinks about his past*
5,000 years befour zero was born the old king of zeno had a brother named frama who whated to be king but was not he joined a pack of people called the demon's.reight befour the king died he said "i put a power on someone who will come in 5000 years to kill u all.the demon's did not belive him so they went to a far away place not seen for 5,000 years.5,000 years later on the spot the king died zero was born with a wolf tail.this was ok because his dad was half wolf and so was zero.on zero's first birthday they came. they killed all of zeno looking for him thay found him the parnts sent the there 3 kids zero,tranda,and eel away to other grow up with tk and his faimly unknow of his real faimly when he turned 8 he was at the top of the fighting school a happy life entill frama found killed him with the help of his freinds tk max and kotake .but was hurt and fell to the ground.not moving for 3 days he was in his dream talking with the king and he knew now what he must do.2 years later at the age of 10 he fought the next member gul'dan he only won with the help of one of his faimly members zeep his dog.soon the bad happened gul'dan came back and killed his mind he saw his sister tranda and she bought him to life from his dream and he killed gul'dan.then 1 year later at the age of 11 he fought him self.evil zero or as he is know now E zero won with his siser.E joined up with zero sometimes he is still went to the magi school of magic somekid named kas was like bully to him at the end of the year the magi torny came and kas showed his ture face he was the poison elm of the elm lord the next of the demon's zero won with the lost of his hand now he has a robot hand. zero came to the elm lord and lost.entill his brother came and killed the elm lord yes his brother eel.after that zero fought him self again but this was zer a clan made by claw the next of the demon's .he won and zer join his team soon he meet a girl named dina and they fell in love.1 year later at the age of 12 zero killed claw,nazo,and dark 3 more of them. zero dose not know who is next but they are going to be ready.eel and tranda are traing people at magi,zeep is traing demons,all of his freinds are traing,and zero is traing 10 kids who are the last of the shadow water the age of 13 he is still traning and that leads up to the god wepans which he needs to ask the gods who is next he made alot of friends but zero sometimes wish all this never happend