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zero the 8 tailed demon.
camp out
*after the fight with the snake demon zero,zeep,and eel head to a clue to the fire sword of the gods but little did they know about the snake demons return*
zero:so where are we going
eel:the forest
zeep and zero:COOL!!!
*later in the forest*
zero:are we there yet
zero:are we there yet
eel:no god **** it
zero:im weak i need food
zeep:me to
eel:ya lets set up camp by the lake
*after setting up camp*
eel:let your shirt dry zero
zero surprised k im going swimming
zeep:im taking a nap
eel:im going to find food
*later in the lake*
zero:this is like a bath but with cloth on
zero:i felt something
*zeep wakes up*
zeep:uhh what the!!!!!
zero:aaaaa a big fish
*a fish trys to eat zero*
zero:run on water run on water...
*eel comes back with food*
eel:elm bast
*the fish dies*
zero:ya dinner
*the 3 people eat with no thount of the snake*