awwwww you and rais is so cute!!!! i WOULD be there except i live so frickin far away *grumbles and folds arms* but just know i would catch you if i was there!!! ((that is it WOULD be like hitting the floor for you because i am so short....)) .... maybe we will just have him catch you and i will fan you off and give you medicine to make you not sick ^_^
XxErotic_LeprosyxX Community Member
Sat Mar 28, 2009 @ 02:11am
lord have ******** god damn mercy in all of hell. who the fukk is this trick and who the ******** does she think she is. *growls* poser, maki loving, stalkerish muther ******** c**t sucker........MAKI IS MINE YA ******** FAT a** WHORE!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!! *storms off muttering to self*