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View User's Journal

w/e is in my head is in my head. like que sera sera!
Chapter 3
Bree held her breath as the ground left her. Yuki grip was tight, but her body was loose, not being held.
There where three parts of the whole thing that terrified her. One was being dropped. Number two was it was about to rain. The air was still moist, and the clouds looked heavy. Three was being high enough to acctualy notice all that.
"Alrighy then. Spread your legs and start walking," Yuki said calmly.
Sabrina didn't respond. The sickness danced in little patterns around her stomic, and she could only stiffle a shiver. She may have nodded too, but her body was too numb to feel anything. Her legs, no matter how many times she wanted to, wouldn't unncoil from the jump.
"Brina, can you her me?" Yuki asked, anxious now.
"Yuki. Get. Out. Of. The air. Please," Bree whispered.
Yuki squeezed her hand. "Don't worry. I wont let you fall. This is just like walking on a flat surface. You wont fall."
The girl shook her head and Yuki sighed. She felt Yuki let go of her hand, and she screamed.
"Whoa!" Yuki exclaimed, wrapping his hand around her waist. "I've got you! It's alright, calm down, it's alright," Yuki chanted, trying to comfort her.
Bree found that in the shock, she had straighted into a standing statue. She trembled until her vision was blury. The clouds began to tilt at odd angles.
"Sabrina, listen to me. You fine. I wont drop you, ever. Close your eyes now," Yuki said, gently.
"I c-can't, Yuki," Bree said softly.
"You wont fall," Yuki promised.
Bree did as she was told, but the feeling that she was slipping out of the wizards hands came again. She yelped.
"It's okay," Yuki comforted her quickly. "I know you're frightened, but I need you to start walking. Just like on solid ground."
Bree shook her head violetnly back and forth. "No, Yuki. Put me back on the ground."
"You'll be fine!" Yuki laughed. "Go ahead, or you'll start to fall."
Brina finally nodded. She was hesitant, but she took her first step.
"Good," Yuki said happily.
They walked quickly, but at the same time oh so slowly.
The light that could be seen through Sabrina's eyelids began to dim, and thunder gently, but angerly rumbled in the distance. A few drops skided down Sabrina's face. The sickness in her stomich mixed with slight fear or being electricuted.
"Damn," Yuki mumbled. "Okay open your eyes. We're ten feet from the ground. You did well, Sabrina."
The landing was light, but finally Bree's eyes fluttered open. The dizzyness wasn't quite gone. Yuki had his arms out to catch her if she needed it, but that wasn't the case. She moved toward the side of the dock, holding a post for support as she expeled her contents. There where alot of useless heaves, coughing, and barely any breath. Once it was over, Bree used telekinesis to stop some rain and rinse her mouth. After the entire thing was over, she sat and put her head between her knees.
Yuki walked over, looking positively somber. His uplifted mood had been left behind and replaced with an upset frown.
"Are you ok?" Yuki asked.
"Never better, Yuki," Sabrina smiled.
"Oh god, I'm sorry. For letting go of you, I mean. I told you I wouldn't let go and drop you, but I almost did. Purposly to. I'm so sorry.
"Nah, you're good. I'm the one who gets air sick," Bree laughed lightly, the dizzynes making her body lean against Yuki's shoulder.
Without a moments hesitation, Yuki picked her up and carried her to the surprise destination.
"Yuki stop! I can walk," Bree protested.
"No you can't. If laughing makes you dizzy, I'm pretty sure you can't walk."
Yuki finally put her down about two minutes later. "Ta-da. Check out this ship,"
Bree looked up and gasped, knees buckling under her. She didn't faint, but she couldn't stand. The ship wasn't a cruse. Nor was it used for immporting or exporting. This was a pirate ship.
"Why?" she asked Yuki, who was kneeling beside her.
"I thought you'd think it was neat. It is, huh?" Yuki asked.
"You know Haku was killed by a pirate, who was a wizard," Bree said softly.
The memory was painful, but the murderer who killed Haku was the exact way you'd think of a pirate. Scrufft beard, tattered clothes, The knife...Bree shook her head, locking the image away.
Yuki slapped is head with his palm. "Damn! I'm sorry, Sabrina. This is so stupid!" Yuki said, picking her up and moving in the direction of her and Rita's home. Without protest, Bree closed her eyes, still shaking.