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Tektek time!
The scent of magic, the beauty that's been...

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I'm bored out of my skin! So here are some tektek cosplays:

Rini and Sailor Chibi Moon!
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Darien and Tuxedo Mask =D
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Next up, a few minor characters; Andrew and Molly
(Neither can't be done well on tektek...)
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Now! Here's what I call, "The Sailor Moon Cycle"
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(It's probably arguable as to if "regular Serena" or her Princess version comes first. Since the story was supposed to start in the Silver Millenium, that's how this cycle started: Princess Serenity, Serena Tsukino, Sailor Moon, then Neo-Queen Serenity)

Last, but not least, the Sailor Scouts!
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Ya...Venus looks a little screwed up, but that's only because the Magical Girl uniforms don't have an orange version ^^;

Anyway, hoped anyone looking at this liked it!

...when love was wilder than the wind

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