Life: each breath i take adds another chain
each heart beat puts another knife through me
and with every second i cry another bullet flies in at me

i feel drained.. powerless, hopeless, lost empty, silenced, alone denied, drugged, destroied confused, misused, alored gone, done, moven on thinking, lying, dragging fading, feeling, leaving lost all on my own in a cloud of dispair and here comes the rain to wash away my fears these moist dropletts are her tears her endless cocain the cure to her pain but what remains here the unforgiving memory of the tears cried in silence the insecure fearful chill throughout ur spine intertwined in ur sullied soul to just try and go on can you? the pain flooding through ur veins like a rush of blood when that adrinaline hits and ur heart skips your falling lost your meaning are you crying are you crying they call daunting and teasing the pauperous souls this that haunts me must be just killing them just to see what the hell ur doing to me open ur eyes and free me i wanna break the chains i wanna be free of you of this, of everything limits building up on me really starting to hate myself looking into the mirror and screaming at sumone else and this is what its like when im lonely ..
xXMiss AsphyxiationXx · Fri Feb 27, 2009 @ 03:24am · 0 Comments |