long ago there lived a man named Yuki. This innocent man in his youth befriended a raccoon demon that looked like a cat demon named Machiavelli. They were friends for a long time but soon Machiavelli lusted for Yuki and on multiple occasions tried to get with him. But when Yuki rejected him horribly, Machi couldn't take it anymore. He accused Yuki of being a wicth saying he "bewitched" him and a bounty was placed upon his head. Yuki outraged by this cursed a plague upon The Backcountry. Then soon a plague came and decimated most of The Backcounrty. Thus yuki was proclaimed a witch and was soon hung from the Gallows bearing a cross and rosemary beads. When he died the stake he was hung upon was burned to forever seal his body to the earth.
monochrome max · Sun Dec 21, 2008 @ 02:17am · 0 Comments |