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What's Up with Trends?
I have recently come to the conclusion that a new thing has started happening to me in relation to trends.

Occurrence 1: i like something for a while, then i think it gets old, and suddenly it is really popular for the people around me.

Occurrence 2: i ignore the trend completely and later get sucked into it when it is no longer popular.

examples occurrence 1:
User ImageI liked Inu Yasha for a while it got old and suddenly EVERYONE in my school was talking about it. (this trend has faded)
User ImageI wore leggings under skirts with boots forever (still do) and suddenly now it is almost rare to see someone in a short skirt without leggings.
User ImageI liked the trans-siberian orchestra before they played on the radio all the time during the hoidays
User ImageI used ^_^ all the time typing and writing things, way before it became the new face to type (this trend has faded)
User ImageI watched and listened to Disney stuff way before the Disney radio and the new craze over *shudder* Hannah Montana

occurrence 2:
User ImageI completely ignored the harry potter phase, as i am now ignoring Twilight mania, and suddenly i have to pick up the stupid books and finish the series!
User ImageWhy did i ever wait this long to buy a trench coat? it almost ALWAYS looks good
User ImageI still don't own a pair of converse and now i am craving a pair.
User ImageI am late on the whole powdered make up foundation thing, and it is a miracle for my skin.

ugh... it would be easier to be on the "trend train" that way everything would be cheaper to actually purchase all this stuff.

Yours Truly
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