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Kyomi's Journal of stuff Read about me!! YAY!!...although...i might not be so interesting heh..heh

Community Member
Update time.
Well i figured I havn't had much time latly and i havn't written in here in like 6 months so why not. Well Recently i've been getting accoustumoed to not hearing my named screamed by a booming male borrila voice. Now it the voice of a female banshee. Karina is just as lazy as ever and it drives me crazy when im the only one in the house doing houseworks and she's lousin about with her new guy posse.It goes without saying the stress hasn't helped my diet in the least, seeing as in im now a whopping 175 apparently. I mean, do i look 175lbs to you?
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Yeah i know my boobs prolly make up like 35% of my weight but still, it embarrasing when you can carry your bf rather than the other way around ;-;.

Anyways I've convinced my friends to come to Anime North and do the Hare Hare Yukai dance for a preformance in the masqerade. Although half the time i feel like im the only one trying to do this. I've almost finished my bowser costume, and today i bought the pattern to make the Peach and Daisy dresses. Which was awsome bc after 2 months of waiting i finally snagged one of the patters that was just perfect *triumphant smile*

I Love the fact that my boyfriend lets me dress him up as a girl sometimes. He says he hates how people tease him for being girly... but he doesn't realize how much i love it. Its like im dating a girl and a guy at the same time. Like my own little dress up dollie =D. I love him so much...