I haven't written in AAAGES.
You see, I'm really lazy ^^
And... I had a birthday party today. It was really awesome-like. I can't be stuffed typing everything, so if you want to read about it, go to Katri's Journal. She'll have it up in a few days xd surprised
As you knew I would xd
I should be going to bed now (it's 11:07pm) but I really don't wanna. Mum just had bookclub (In which they talked about the actual book for about... 5 minutes), and I helped finish off the chocolate cake that they were eating ^^
And.. and.... pirate
I really need a hobby gonk
Ok, more edit-ness. It's about 5 minutes after the 1st edit, but I felt the need to update this. I am INSPIRED now! I read through some of my old journal entries, and realise how much better this would be if I actually put something of myself into this journal. Right now, that's lazyness lol rolleyes
Aaaanyway... I'm so.... energy-less at the moment. Nothing seems worth doing, and I get so bored easily. It's kinda pathetic really.
So, I just sit here for hours on end doing nothing, with no one to talk to. Hmmm... fun lol rolleyes
Anyway.... because I know so many of you read this *coughcough* I'm gonna ask for suggestions.
I need a new hobby xd Something un-computer like. Like.... cross stitch or something. Except.... not xd
I'm really no good at this.
Anyway.......... enough of my moping and feeling sorry for myself.
Cat's Obsessed With My Brother xd rofl
It's really scary.. becuase if I talk to James about something school-related, it goes onto Cat, and then we start talking about all these annoying things that Cat does (and believe me, that makes for a long conversation rolleyes Like talking about house to people that really couldn't care less *coughcough*)
But.... yeah.....
Seriously... if this is all I can put in a journal entry, I need to go and do something with my life gonk
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My Journal
This is my one little space in the world that I can stop worrying about the fact that no one wants to hear what I have to say, and just say it. Don't like it? Then go away!
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Also, I'd like to apologise for my username. It was cool when I was 11.
Also, I'd like to apologise for my username. It was cool when I was 11.
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![]() x].Superficial Muffins.[x Community Member ![]() |
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And... just because james is normally the only person online [yes, out of my 134 contacts] apart from you, and seeing as you block me whenever i annoy you, [which is often], i talk to him. xP
And... seeing as there's nobody else online, I have to talk to you two about House. It's just nature. xD I don't really give a damn if you couldn't care less... you talk to me about COUNTLESS things I don't care about. XDDDD