At one time Moki loved Sierra more then anything and would do anything for her. At that same time he hated Goto because he always fought to be better then him. At the same time (sheesh) Goto and Sierra were good friends. Suddenly Moki was thought to be killed in a freak fire. Sierra mourned and Goto was the shoulder she cried on. To make a long story short Goto and Sierra got married and had a kid (Lucy). Then Moki came back proving that someone had set this up to happen. but who? You can imagine how crushed Moki was when he finally found Sierra with Goto and Lucy. Then Sierra was taken away and locked up. (She always is.) It will take both Goto and Moki to save her but as Moki sinks deeper and deeper into a darker state of mind (I think it's totally hot! sweatdrop ) it becomes more and more impossible for him to ignore his hatred for Goto. As Moki's hatred grows how far will he go to quench his thirst for vengeance? Will both of them survive or will one have to die to end this once and for all? One of the most curious questions is how far beyond Sierra does this deadly rivalry go? What is Moki's past? What is Goto's? These are all big secrets I have kept...Until now! Check back and see where this post is heading!
 determined "Gotta be faster...gotta be stronger...Got, to, win!" Moki mumbled to himself as he punched at a tree. He stopped when the tree cracked and fell over. He gasped for air and looked around. Eventually he sat down on the grass. The sun had yet to rise. The full moon made his hair look even whiter then normal. He was training. to kill Goto. He needed to be stronger, more powerful. He was the underclassmen when they were still at the academy so he had no advantage magic wise. He tried to practice fighting skills but all that caused him was broken bones and sprains. Moki wondered around the forest his hands deep in his pockets. He was only 10 but the determined look on his face made him seem much older.
*This just isn't the goof -up silly Moki you know so well! It's like her was a completely different person!* opposite Goto sat in a small cabin hiding in the mountains. he was completely relaxed. "Moki is being stupid. He doesn't realize the laws around here...and in 5 days if he doesn't get away from the school they will turn him into a bird..."
XAngelicShadowXX · Wed Oct 29, 2008 @ 11:57pm · 0 Comments |