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Kyomi's Journal of stuff Read about me!! YAY!!...although...i might not be so interesting heh..heh

Community Member
Ranting Once again.
So latley i've been having dreams about Zero-Suit Samus and it got me thinking, 1. I think im falling for her and 2. I seriously need to lose some weight. i mean, i've gained a bit of stomache and its bugging me, especially cuz it halloween time and i cant even fit into my goddamned costumes!! Why couldnt i be all twiggy and thin like those girls on the costume covers? I mean, my sisters skinny, my mom is skinny, all my cousins are skinny...why cant i be like that? why do i have to be so short and stubby like this? I hate myself and now everyone hates me cuz i hate myself. And then a few Days ago Amanda tells me how she used to be so skinny until she got on birthcontrol... i'd kill to be skinny...and even if i was just skinny at one point in my life then i'd have a little hope of becoming that way again. But i've always been so fat and i hate myself for it...i was always teased about my weight. everywhere i went, noone wanted tro be my friend because of the way i looked. I want to loose weight i want to be skinny like all those girls in the magazines, i want to be able to wear a bikini and feel good in it. I want to be able to see people staring at me and know its not because they're disgusted at what they see. I want to look thin and beautiful for my boyfriend so his friends dont laugh at him for dting me. I'm determined to become pretty... im tired of being this...this abomination, this suit of fat that i wear. My arms, thighs stomach and waist...all way too big and i hate it. Im not doing it for superficial reasons... im doing it for myself, for confidence in being who i am...