crying crying crying crying crying that start cryed ever night knowing

That her light was fading away she didnt know what to do

crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying

All she could do was cry she thought that she would try to make it better and then it
just ended in missery she couldn't pick her self up all she could do is fall.

crying crying crying crying crying

She saw him rubbing for her and she tryed to grab that hand that was out for her

and yet she couldnt grab she tryed to hard and yet when she had the chance

to grab that hand she was shuved down in the dirt and she fell hard into the ground

crying for an answer but was afraid to hear.

crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying

Her light was bright and when it had start to shine it was shattered with the rock you threw when the chance was up for the taking.

She thinks of how she missed that kiss, a kiss the moved mountains and
brought sun light into her life and yours. That kiss was the kiss of fait and love but then that kiss was destroyed and seeing that man with another drew up some feelings that should not have been but she couldnt help it she tryed hard not to have them bbut all she felt was pain. did he see how she felt did he see threw her eyes and tell. what would he have thought who knows I for not do not thou.

That one day, THAT ONE DAY....
was of glorey and hope and love.

But now that kiss was noe just a memmory and it lives in my heart followed by pain and tears she lives with the memmory in her heart and she will carry it with in her every where she goes but will he.

that kiss redface that kiss was the day every thing stoped did it for him it did for me time stopped and it was only the two standing there with the kiss upon there lips a memmory that she hopes he carry's.

She miss's that kiss,
That kiss with my truely true bestest and greatest friend she ever had and hopes she still has. A that kiss with Greg