It's retreat time again... though I feel like it shouldn't be yet. I have nothing against II-St.Clare... but I feel as if we need to unite on our own initiative even a little more before we go on to the retreat. I guess everyone is still so overwhelmed with the beauty of their first year life... I admit, I am too. I miss my first year section... the dark, cold classroom... my seatmate who was also who I called 'rapist!' and... hmm... I-St.Bridget was also where E.I.T began. Yeah, the very basis of my friendships today. Anyways, getting back to what I was saying... No one felt like it was already the right time for a retreat, but oh well. We had no control over that.
Our retreat was to take place in Tagaytay.. we were gonna go there by bus and my partner was Chelsea [also my rommie] and Kim's partner was pauline... [also her roomie] gosh, everyone was so noisy at first! A lot also got out their cameras to take a few shots before the bus started goin...
Noisy, noisy, noisy! xd

Ahhh! Mika's harassing Micaaa! xd

BANANA, Kimness, Smileeee~!

Chelsea and I... wahaha! xD [imma harass her later twisted ]

Pauline! Don't read YET! gonk

Okay... after the bus finally took off, I got out my camera again and began taking pictures [since I was near the window]... I was thinking about things... not sure what...~

[this is random sweatdrop I was just thirsty here! xd ]

My friends watching a gory yet amusing movie in the bus xd

Aww~ Chelsea's scared! nuuu! It's too corny to be scary! xd the organs didn't even look real rolleyes [lol, that's my shoulder, if you're wondering xD!]

We're Here!!!! WHOOOO! xd

Sadly, our cams were taken away for the rest of the day... because we were busy with our retreat sessions... Here are some of the things I had in my journal...
The retreat master asked us to jot down our blessings... and I colored it to the max xd

I had this signed to anyone I saw at that moment >w<

Here, they made us write down things said to us.. the worse things. =|

They made us write two letters, actually... the first one was the 'letter of forgiveness'. Here, one person will read out loud her letter; a candle in hand and will pass the candle to the person she dedicated her letter to...
From Kimness.

From DalanDAN, a.k.a Chelsea.

And Second, we were asked to make a 'letter of gratitude' which we all exchanged n_n

From DalanDAN a.k.a Chelsea.

From Kimness.

PAULINE! scream where the hell are my letters?! You keep laughing beside mee and you don't make me a letter?! >____> gonk
haha, peeeace.maan~
Ugh. After all that emotional stuff, here comes the climax of the retreat. The time we open the letters our parents gave to us. UGH. I didn't tell my dad that he needed to make me a letter because I freaking don't wanna cry. I don't think I can anymore, either o.o? I felt like I was crying, but there were no tears... WHOOO! First retreat where I didn't cry!!! haha. and Kimness thought I would get all dramatic... I proved her WRONG! dramallama I know my dad loves me anyway. And I wanna keep it as simple as that. He loves me. Period. Nothing more... It's a lot easier to handle compared to all this emotional crap we go through every year... crying our eyes out and looking like gold fishes >< and I'd have to hide my face just so they won't know I was crying but then it was so obvious anyway rolleyes Pauline was a great help-- she kept everything light and funny, just like she always does ^^ so when I tried to concentrate, I still couldn't xd
What happened to us after all that, at around ten thirty was the best activity, for me... We formed two straight lines and hugged the person in front of us and after five seconds move to the right... that way we would be hugging everyone >w< I really liked this part. Old misunderstandings now a smile =) Every time I would see the next person I'd scream out their name and go 'I LOVE YOU!' and give them a big warm hug, whispering to them a personal message...
-most memorable hug award: ~Sunshine! ~Ms. Lopez <3 ~Pauline [when we wouldn't have a partner for a while, we'd just pretend like we haven't hugged yet, and hug again! xD I know... we're crazy!] ~Dyana [uhh....SHE SQUISHED ME o.o]
..blah. I'll add when I remember! haha.
So yeah. After all that corny huggin' and lovin' [wtfridge?!] we headed to our rooms... as I said, Chelsea was my roommate... haha. I guess reverse psychology really worked on us! It's like we were tricking ourselves! hahaha. First, we decided we needed to sleep... so we were already in bed, ready to fall asleep... but I couldn't sleep! It was way too early @_@ so I decided to open all my palancas xd and I began reading.... and reading.. and reading... and we talked... and talked.. and talked... xd So then we decided it's better we don't sleep anymore..because it was already 1:20 in the morning... and just when we did decide that, we both fell asleep xd
I woke up in the morning by a LOUD and INCREDIBLY annoying ringing outside... followed by continuous impatient knocks on our door... GOD. It was pissing off, so I stood up and opened the door so the ringing would get louder and make Chelsea wake up, same for my mind too.
My morning was GREAT! After the worship, we had breakfast... and our table was beautiful! The sunshine was coming in just right, and I made a cup of coffee which made everything just...right....
After another session, we were given back our cameras! Yay! haha n_n Here are more pictures:

My classmates about to run down the road to the retreat house with my adviser! Can you tell where she is? rofl

Running down the ramp now xd xd

Tired yet? twisted

Stolen =DD Kimness~ hahaha.

After all those picture sessions, we had to go D: crying waaah. I didn't wanna go!
Bye Bye D: awww.. I'm gonna miss this place! crying

In the bus, we decided to switch partners.. Kim was going with Chelsea and I was stuck with Banana xd Unlike when we came here, everyone was tired.... we didn't get much sleep so yeah.

Ugh. I couldn't sleep... I was too ALIVE. So me and Pauline were laughing like hell, fighting over the window 'cause both of us wanted to take pictures.... She won >< she got the window... but karma strikes twisted Her battery died out and I ended up squishing her to the very side, elbowing her, just to get the right angles I needed for stupid pictures xd
Well, we were kinda outta place because everyone was so tired but we just kept laughing at stupid things. The girl in front of us even told us to shut up like three times XD Then when I opened the curtain once again, I saw a bee and I pointed it out to Pauline. Since she was beside the window, she was kind of scared and squished me to my side this time, pushing me as much as she needed just to keep away from the bee. I thought it was kinda cute~ xd so, in the mood to harass the whole bus and wake everybody up, I waved the curtains over and over, swinging it to the bee so it would fly around the bus and create chaos twisted and while I did, Pauline was screaming, and Kim was also screaming... xd hahaha. We were at this for about thirty minutes! I'm surprised we didn't grow tired of laughing... Well, it didn't really create chaos to the whole bus, just the people beside me xd
Teh Bee:

 LOL, I miss it D:
When Chelsea and Kim were asleep again, and Mika, Elaura, Pam and I were left with our saliva to rot in our mouths because there was no one to talk to, we decided to laugh at people xd It wasn't as mean as it sounds! Gianina, who was beside Pam was having micro sleeps and her head was falling over, almost collapsing on Pam xd hahaha. We were laughing silently.... except for me! xd I couldn't help myself... and every time she might notice us laughing, we'll just give a random excuse like 'Mika's foot is so funny!' or something like that xd
When Gianina's micro sleeps was getting old, we decided to have another prank... this time on Chelsea. {chel, I'm so sorry!!! Peeeeace =DD] We wanted to adjust Chelsea's watch, one or two hours advance so when she'd get up, she'd be wondering and maybe even panic at the time for a while... Sadly, we couldn't adjust the time [she was wearing her watch tightly] the knobbish thingy at the side was too hard! ugh. Desperate, Mika unlocked the whole watch from her hand and she woke up! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I was hyperventilating inside, looking away from day, just so she wouldn't notice why all eyes were on her! hhaha. I think she was pissed off. I mean, it was her watch and all... but sometimes I wished she could be more of a sport... If this trick were to be played on me, I'd stab everyone, but jokingly of course mrgreen
Okay. We were at school now... and I couldn't find anybody crying luckily Mika joined me to Cake Avenue... weird, I didn't buy any pastries, only their Iced tea... it was refreshing :] When I came back to the campus, I walked towards the field and someone tackled me from behind, almost making me give in and falling, but I didn't. I was used to this, because I received a tackle everyday now.. it was Kim. DUH. We decided to take a few pictures while we were there ^^

Stolen agaaain =DD

It wasn't late... I just added effects on my cam ^^

A few minutes later, Kim needed to head home with her dad, and I was left AGAIN. Ughhh. My dad couldn't fetch me--I had just come to know. So I went home by cab with Rachel [our maid, also in my previous journal entry 'Black out'] After around ten minutes of waiting for a cab, we finally found one and he wasn't exactly what you call a 'perfect driver'. Infact, he was the opposite neutral I'm not freaking kidding sad I told him to Drop us off at San Miguel village, and he said he knew the way, but then I told him to go take a short cut. I told him to turn left in the first corner he sees, I told him this about five seconds before the corner. And I was erasing pictures on my camera. Since he didn't ask any questions, he should've known that I told him to turn left. My maid told me we passed it already and I panicked for a second, 'Sir, I told you to take a left. Why didn't you turn there?' and then he was pissed off, he asked me what he should do now, and HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW YOU a*****e?! I freaking told you to turn left! Then I told him to make a u-turn but then he was like No. WHAT THE BOCK?! Who is the passenger here?? >___> So instead, he takes a turn and murmurs all these bad words at me. Rachel just stays beside me, quiet. I think she was scared of him. Pshh stupid driver. Then he's like 'Putang Ina naman ito. Bumaba ka nga.' Half of me was relieved that I could let go of my anger once we got out, and the other half was clueless where we were now. So I just paid him and got out. I told him to keep the change, he was such a 'good' driver, anyway. Depends what good is to you rolleyes I banged the door, I wished it would break! ><" and we were just walking for about ten minutes, retracing the roads we passed and finally getting another cab. ..and just when I thought the day would end nicely, It didn't. ninja
~Sucky ending to such a colorful and happy journal isn't it? ><
Moonlight_Dancero9 · Wed Sep 03, 2008 @ 02:55pm · 26 Comments |