i has yet to figure out how i shall survive AP classes, 2 of em. psychology sounds fun, world history does not. its a lot of reading, out of a textbook with tiny print and not enough pics. i need to grow up some to be able to even just pass. i have grown almost completely away from "toontown" and a good thing to. i think, NOW, thats its a game for just like...10 and under. i am still hooked on maplestory though. there is a wide range of ages on there. my bestest buddy on there is like, 12 or 13. hes amazing. i need to shape up already this year. i have turned in two late assignments already. and my only excuse is that i have the worst memory EVER! i cant remember a ton of things. maily when it comes to bringing the right things home at night to do my homework. i think i almost brought home my entire locker for this weekend, so i'm preety sure i have everything...i better. i take WHAP (world his. AP) on one day, then the next im in AP psych. Its kinda nice. i have to get used to it though, to be able to balance everything out. its the same teacher for both classes, so i at least dont have to worry about what room to go to. buut, there is ony 1 social studies teacher in the highschool. small school, VERY small school. i am going to try to type up a petition against the fact we cant wear flip flops. ill argue over that another time. in another entry, after i have made the petition.
So...Steph has pretty much abandoned Gaia, so I, IndefatigableAnaphora, her wonderful sister, will be popping in on this account occasionally to grab some gold for her. Maybe if I make her rich, she'll want to start playing again. So, um...kthnxbai. rawr.
Stellar Steph11 · Sat Aug 30, 2008 @ 04:10pm · 0 Comments |