Ehem... one day, in the kingdom of Boredness, four superheroes are born. They are to rescue the borednessians from boredom with the help of Biology and special powers!!! xd
BioKid! (Kim)
 Being the founder of this league, she is highly biologous and has a special ability to make people laugh.
BioPeach! (Mee, of course! haha.)
 Her powers include magically making plants grow [O__O;;] and her mysterious funny voices used in narration of BioKid's famous comics!!!
BioNerdyLemon! (Chelsea)
 This girl never ceases to take of her glasses! She has a book in hand, knowing one thing as her strategy; 'Knowledge is Power!'. Most of the times the bottom of the joke!!! hahaha. [Also known as DalanDAN in Filipino language]
BioBananaGirl! (Pauline)
 One thing's for sure, and that's BioBananaGirl LOVES yellow. >__> She brings the color yellow to evil super villains, blinding them with her colors~ She also loves BioPeach's narration and famous quotes!
And until today, they save lives. Touching people's hearts with positivity [wtf, mansha?!] and Biology!!!
{mansha: I get bored during biology though!! xd kimness' fault! -points to kim-}
Moonlight_Dancero9 · Tue Aug 19, 2008 @ 01:13pm · 19 Comments |