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Meh life so far . . .
*sigh* another boring day to add to my boring life :/ One of the dreams i had last week was pretty bad again... blah blah blee blah bo... another person died... blah blah blehe... she stepped into a trap and then wen she was caught there was a huge casket that suspended her in mid-air ... blah bloohh... ehe... the inside of teh casket was lined w/ spikes .____.; another dream just recently had mutant toys that came to life and attacked me and teh people i was with.... fortunatley i didn't die in that one :/ but... ne wayz soooooooooooooooo... school starts soon... can't wait! i enjoy being w/ all meh friends and considering that i live out in-the-middle-of-nowhere-land i can't go see them as often as i would lik... ugh i habven't even gone school shopping yet .______. ... my classes should beh fun tho... well ... classes are never fun, but my new elective this year looks okeh ^^ I took communications tech which is lik... powerpoints and computer stuff (which I'm not all that great at ^^;;;...) soo yeh can't wait!~ i haven't been all that up on my drawing game though... :/ maybe that'll improve wen school starts ...
That's meh boring life right nowww... .n .. . . . . . . lol, i lost teh game o^///^o