User Name: Chibi-Speck
Full Name: Avila Halcyon Nox
Age: 32, but I tell people I'm 21
Subject: Potions
Race: Harpy
Sexuality: Straight
What brought you here? Well, I used to be a student here and I didn't really have any other jobs (because they thought I was too lively to work for them) and started teaching when I took random potions together and actually got results that didn't explode. I also wanted to lighten the mood of the place. Now that I'm here, THIS PLACE ROCKS!!!
What do you like? Bubbly things, air, wind, plants, birds, and food. Doesn't matter what it is, I'll eat it.
Not so much... Explosions, electricity, basically anything bad that could come out of a bad potion, and exception to the above, I will not eat chicken. I catergorize it in cannibalism, and being a cannibal is bad, children!
Powers: I can fly, create barriers using wind, and control any type of bird to do my bidding. I have very sensitive senses in the form of sight and hearing, so don't say anything inappropriate or suspicious in the building or in the dorms, I can hear you. I am also very fast, don't even try sneaking out because I will see you and don't want to be caught be me because we will have a marvelous time together, won't we? I'll sing for you, and you don't want that.
(Note: If any of you want a comparison to what Avila is like, watch Azumanga Daioh so you can see Miss Yukari. Yeah...that's what she's like.)
Chibi-Speck · Thu Aug 07, 2008 @ 09:20pm · 2 Comments |